what could take whole duck


13 Years
Jul 10, 2010
Stonington, illinois
I went out this mornong to let the chickens out and noticed in my duck pen one of my girls is missing. They cant fly as wing clipped. Only trace of her is a few feathers on the ground. She is about 4 lbs. a khaki campbell. we have 6 foot privacy fench all around the back yard, and no trace. What could have gotten her left no trace and got her out of the yard with no trace?
I dont think we have bobcats around here. Havent seen any hawks but that doesnt mean anything. Ive seen foxes in town but never in my area but also that doesnt mean anything. Could an Owl? I heard an owl the other day. Whatever it was took her no trace only a few feathers on the ground. They were in there last night then this morning one gone. Will the other get depressed without her sister? Should I get another right away? Needless to say we are going to do major predator proofing today. Glad I'm off work for the next 2 days. They are hubbys ducks so he is hopping mad. Time to get a shotgun. I know that this is the way with nature but they had better leave my babies alone!
Fox, bobcat, coyote- bird was too big for a hawk to carry off. A bird that size would have been partially eaten in place by a hawk. I've seen a Great Horned owl fly away with a full grown cottontail. That's only a couple pounds worth of animal. Don't know if they could lift and carry a 4 pound duck? I've also seen them fly away with bantam hens.
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Sorry for your loss

I would say with a 6 foot privacy fence, you can just about rule out bobcat,fox or yote if you found no digging cause they are not likely to just jump a fence if they can not see their prey and there would be lots of feathers i am sure.

I believe you have a big owl, i know they can carry of a duck i have had it happen here before and it left very few feathers.
You're right! I didn't think about Hawks because VA's are to small but I saw some hawks when I was in CO and they were big enough to get one

You ought to come down here to the dismal swamp we don't just redtails and owls half as big as I am we have Eagles I watched a baby one grow up a coupla years ago he seemed kina fond of muskrat carcasses a large bobcat could scale a fence with a duck, my large one last year was 46 pounds but you are probably looking for something that flies .
thanks for all the input I tend to agree that something had to fly in to get her. There were no holes or dug out places. We have an open lot next to us. Have looked the neighborhood over have found nothing of her but the few feathers in the pen. Anyone in central illinois have ducks for sale so I can get another so Laurel wont be lonley?

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