What defines a good rooster?

In my opinion, a good rooster is one that keeps his distance. He does NOT jump on me (really - I would stop that ASAP), and rarely comes near me. A good rooster will take his hens away when I approach. He will tidbit for the hens and keep an eye out for predators. That's his job. When I discover I have a cockerel, I stop interacting with it entirely. When they're big enough to be outside, I will walk through them just because I can. If one approaches me, I back him up. If one challenges me, I run after him. I don't for one minute let them think they have the upper hand (which yours does when he's jumping in your lap).

I'm sure that doing this from the get go is the best idea, but when you don't know if they are boys or girls and were suppose to have girls, mistakes happen. I know now and moving forward I can act accordingly. I just got past the denial part. Baby steps.
This makes sense to me. It was confusing at first because I thought I had all girls, so they were all treated the same. The leghorn was always more on his own. He did get picked on by the others and I had to treat him with blue kote. I had no problems grabbing him and treating him. Of course the mentality was a little different because again I thought I had girls. I have no problem correcting him and so far he takes the correction without issue.

I'm just amazed at how fast they grow and how they change

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Wow they're all so pretty! You're fine, when I first had roosters, I thought I was supposed to respect them and give them space. I thought that was how you make nice roosters, well I was horribly wrong and one ripped open the back of my leg. The point is, now I know how to handle roosters and I no longer have problems. I now collect them and am quite proud of my "collection" :thumbsup You're going to do great, chicks are so hard to sex. I am still wrong 90% of the time!
My only hope and new goal in life is that my boys don't try killing me and respect me.

I had a stray rooster last year(he is the reason I got interested in chickens). One day he came running at me, all I thought was my god he is going to kill me. He stopped right in front of me, he thought I had food. Once I realized he was hungry we were good.

This is him--very smart and beautiful boy

With my first chicks, I petted and coddled the biggest boy, thinking this would keep him on my side. He was Jekyll and Hyde. For the rest of his 8 yrs., he was the only one in the flock who would walk up and invite me to hold and pet him. He was also the only one who would jump on the back of my legs as soon as I turned my back. Also, jumped on and pecked others. Yes, I should have culled him, but he would give me that intelligent look. Won't fall for it again. I guess, too, it was that he was the sweetest rooster I've ever had toward the girls.
Chickens are addicting, they somehow convince us to keep getting more ;)
Part of this is your judgement too, obviously none of us can see what you do. If a few months down the road you feel they aren't happy together, there's plenty of options. Rehome, cook em, or start an entire new flock(which is what I did haha!). I have a flock that consists of ONLY roosters. Since there's no competition for females, they get along just fine.
Only roosters- that’s interesting, so it’s having to compete for hens that makes them fight. I’m learning...
My only hope and new goal in life is that my boys don't try killing me and respect me.

I had a stray rooster last year(he is the reason I got interested in chickens). One day he came running at me, all I thought was my god he is going to kill me. He stopped right in front of me, he thought I had food. Once I realized he was hungry we were good.

This is him--very smart and beautiful boy

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He is handsome. Roos can get cranky when they are hungry.
My only hope and new goal in life is that my boys don't try killing me and respect me.

I had a stray rooster last year(he is the reason I got interested in chickens). One day he came running at me, all I thought was my god he is going to kill me. He stopped right in front of me, he thought I had food. Once I realized he was hungry we were good.

This is him--very smart and beautiful boy

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I am in love with him! He's beautiful!!! Yeah the first time a rooster runs at you, it definitely scares ya!! :lol:
My only hope and new goal in life is that my boys don't try killing me and respect me.

I had a stray rooster last year(he is the reason I got interested in chickens). One day he came running at me, all I thought was my god he is going to kill me. He stopped right in front of me, he thought I had food. Once I realized he was hungry we were good.

This is him--very smart and beautiful boy

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I’ve always loved on my Rooster he is so mean :lau
Only roosters- that’s interesting, so it’s having to compete for hens that makes them fight. I’m learning...
Yes, once hens are removed from view they really calm down. Once in a great while I'll catch them sparring, I just spray them with water and they leave each other alone.
My rooster flock has been together quite a while, I can now let them free range and they leave my main flock alone. They keep in a pretty solid group! I really learn a lot by watching their interactions with each other.

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