What did Santa Bring you?!

My mom:

CakePop maker
12 B&N leather-bound classic books
the 3rd season of TrueBlood
a jacket and gloves
VS pajamas
a 5 gallon aquarium set
a book about the 9/11 rescue dogs
an antique Tennyson mini leather book
cat calender
clear laptop case
desk lock for my laptop
a bunch of candy and lotto tickets in my stocking, along with a peace sign car magnet.

...and I still have to go to my grandparent's Christmas party with the rest of my family, and my dad is bringing his gifts and his side of the family gifts tomorrow.
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Man do I feel kinda, umm, lacking in gifts.

My Christmas present was,
the 2011 edition of the American Standard of Perfection.

Yup, that was about it.

Correction, my present WILL BE such whenever it arrives.
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I did get a rather unexpected "gift" this morning! I found a nest with 6 eggs in it, and at least 2 of my POL pullets that I have been waiting on have started laying! That's 5 now in the last 2 weeks. Only 12 more to go. LOL!
My daughters tracked down and bought a board game that they remembered me talking about. I used to play it when I was a little kid. My game was destroyed back in the early '90s. They found the 1970s or 80s (?) version that I had. It is unopened. I don't know how they did it. This might be the best gift I've ever received. Later, I will be playing PayDay with my girls and my mom.
I got a .22 LR Ruger 10/22 with lots of ammo and targets to go with it!
Plus a RM Nikolaus IM Doppeldecker Smoker St. Claus in Biplane (I already have 5 other different models of these little "smoking" men), and a case of Zimmerman-Graeff Burg Layer SchloBkapelle Spatlese (Pradikatswein) 9.0%.

Just what every woman needs: a gun and alcohol.

Oh, and apparently the gun salesman asked my hubby if he wanted the scope, but hubby informed him that he'd like to think that he stood a chance of getting away from me at a 150 yards. (so the answer was "No!")
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I really pretty, dainty diamond ring, a new Brighton purse, candy, Kindle Fire. And best of all was watching Robert open all his gifts. He came out of his room, looked at the gifts and said "I need to change my clothes" and went back in to his room and changed. The kid is 4 years old.

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