What did you do in the garden today?

FA662ADB-EAB7-40F3-8826-3CF5AD25E132.png 62B7AB2A-ED1A-44F7-BA10-86C030FC98D8.png 507C9CFB-8D27-4CAD-9EC1-1AD7CBFC0307.jpeg A day without rain!! And actual sunshine in the afternoon. Got pretty warm and humid but everyone enjoying the 1 rain free day before few more days. Everybody enjoyed in their own way. It was definitely a joyous day for every body. Poor things have been miserable with all this rain and mud
My nettle is blooming and seeing more and more blooms on my tomatoes and getting tall enough where they need support. Spinach and kale should be ready by the end of the week. And going to try to pick up local honey tomorrow because the honeysuckles in my yard bloomed And the goats didn’t notice. Usually they will get to it before it even blooms. They know exactly where it is and how good it tastes. So I might actually get some honeysuckle honey this year to
I love all the photos! Rachel, do you milk your goats? I find them really interesting and funny.

My chickens chased a bunny out of the yard yesterday--guard chickens! My 17-year-old dog is almost completely blind, so the girls are stepping up.

I got some more potting soil and continued to transplant driveway peppers and tomatoes into bigger pots I'm getting from friends. It ended up not raining at all after Friday--weird. My echinacea is getting ready to bloom, and I ate my first blackberry (the birds keep getting them; my netting is stuck behind the lumber for the shed renovation.

The pole beans have found their poles. :) :yesss:
BTW, everyone is sleeping in the coop now--integration achieved!
We were milking the older one Lucy. She didn’t give us as much milk as we could have used because she’s a boer goat but we bred her with a Nubian. Two of those are her babies so the girl is half Nubian which is a wonderful dairy goat. And Nubians are known for their silly personalities. The other girl is from a Nother goat we had that we bread but unfortunately she lost mama when she was a baby. So she was bottle-fed so she’s super Sweet towards humans. If I leave the door cracked to the house I give it five minutes before I hear her voice on the vinyl floor in the front room. Lol. If I could I would let her live in the house. But unfortunately she would probably eat all my furniture. We will be breeding Joan One of the babies this winter. I never realized how much I could love a goat
I love all the photos! Rachel, do you milk your goats? I find them really interesting and funny.

My chickens chased a bunny out of the yard yesterday--guard chickens! My 17-year-old dog is almost completely blind, so the girls are stepping up.

I got some more potting soil and continued to transplant driveway peppers and tomatoes into bigger pots I'm getting from friends. It ended up not raining at all after Friday--weird. My echinacea is getting ready to bloom, and I ate my first blackberry (the birds keep getting them; my netting is stuck behind the lumber for the shed renovation.

The pole beans have found their poles. :) :yesss:
BTW, everyone is sleeping in the coop now--integration achieved!
If I could I would let her live in the house. But unfortunately she would probably eat all my furniture

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