What did you do in the garden today?

@igorsMistress I've never used rabbit poop - I wish I could get some, I hear it's great. I'm also a fan of rotating what I use in my garden. I use different kinds of mulches & fertilizers every time. Maybe you could send in a soil sample to your state lab (UConn does it here for $12)?

The plants are really loving it. I'm trying to change things up too, first time I've ever used it. I just need to do some research I guess.

Too bad you're not closer. I have lots of alpaca poo!

Good for the garden huh? Do you have to compist it first?
Good morning all. Another frosty morning, however, the temps are supposed to get above 32F for a little bit this afternoon. Yesterday was a long one. I made an egg delivery then onto Boston to get blood drawn, eat a quick lunch then go to Ophthalmologist appointment that lasted 3 hours. Driving the 50 mile trek home in rush hour traffic with dilated pupils. It was so special. I didn't get home until after 6PM (I left at 9 am). :th The chickens felt totally neglected so I gave them a rare treat this morning. I scrambled 3 eggs and cooked up one of the mini butternut squashes. I think they have forgotten about yesterday already. I have some sand I thought I could use to put my dahlia bulbs in. Would that work in a Ziploc bag @Sueby? I plan on putting them in my basement where it's cool but not freezing. Good for you and your adventurist spirit @karenerwin. Breaking down a deer carcass has got to be a tremendous amount of work. I've never done it, however, there are really good directions with diagrams in my cooking "bible" the "Joy of Cooking." You never know when that could come in handy. I have a pile of egg shells I've been saving for my garden. I need to do my garden rotation plan for next Spring so I know where to use the egg shells for my tomatoes. It takes a while for them to release the calcium into the soil and I thought it would be good to put them down before it really snowed. Thanks for the picture of your dog @igorsMistress. He/she looks very sweet. Have a great day everyone.
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@Wee Farmer Sarah I don't see why sand wouldn't work! I would poke holes in the ziplock for sure though or I think they might get moldy or rot. I keep mine in a cardboard box, this year I'm going with under my bed. We don't heat the bedroom as we like it super cold, but I doubt that it gets under freezing in there - close though.
I could use a cardboard box as well. I don't heat my bedroom either unless it is so cold the thermostat in the living room detects 54F or lower then the furnace will come on. I keep my butternut squash in the bay window of my bedroom. Very cool and decorative. LOL!

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