What did you do in the garden today?

Sorry you feel crappy Penny. :hugs& copper & wood sounds beautiful!!

Today my friend is coming over & we're making our Christmas Jam (I give it out as gifts to neighbors, friends, mail lady, etc). We do it every year, but make a different recipe each time. Last year was carrot cake jam, my favorite so far.
I have spaghetti sauce on the stove from summer tomatoes, pureed and frozen.

I managed to finally get the day lily bulbs from September into some wet coir and onto a heat pad under a dome and light. We'll see if I can get them going and ready for spring. I still don't know where they're going. This variety was far too expensive to shove in the ditch.

Nice out today. 60 degrees and the winds aren't bad. The hens were out for two hours, but it's fox season, and so they aren't roaming on their own. When they started to hide from the wind, I put them away.

The fuzzy goobers are out laying in the sun and taking dirt baths.

Tomorrow is booked for lots of errands AFTER the college home game starts. Then I'll go out and get it all done while the game is in progress.

I got the new flagpole up and flying. It looks great. Two flags going at time.

I need to order brush sweeps for the giant barn doors. The shop curtain isn't enough. Grumble.

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