What did you do in the garden today?

Help! I'm lost... Did BYC change again or did I somehow get logged on through FB? This was the only thread I was on I could find. It's like weird. Haven't been on in maybe a month so IDK?
And nothing going on in my garden, it's frozen and under snow lol.

Yes, you are in the right place. BYC updated not even a month ago.
Well gang,
I called KHS and got a call back in under an hour. I couldn't believe it... I have had such a hard time in the past. But it gets better... the very nice professional gal at the other end of the phone was in our area and had a trap! They just hired another body yesterday so she is only responsible for 1/2 the island now lol! She set the trap and I will check it and call her if and when we catch a dog. Then reset etc. I am so happy. Thanks gang! That was easy and awesome!!!
Yay!! I'm so happy she was responsive and willing to help.
Good morning all. Good to hear your mother is doing well @karenerwin. Hello there @Beer can. The website changes aren't too drastic. I finally got the second coat of paint on the bathroom walls. Good grief that took forever. However I am glad that I did get the second coat on, the walls look much better. My next job is to start work on the living room ceiling. Then removing the wall paper from that room. I need to plan a trip to HD in the coming weeks. I need more paint, drop off dead batteries and lightbulbs and pick up a couple of the boards for the new garden bed. I can only fit 2 of the 8 foot x 6 inch boards in my car at one time so I'll have to make 2 trips. Good thing I get great gas mileage. But I can keep the wood in my garage until the weather is nice enough to work outside and put the frame up. I may opt to start the asparagus from seed. Has anyone tried this?
Good morning all. Good to hear your mother is doing well @karenerwin. Hello there @Beer can. The website changes aren't too drastic. I finally got the second coat of paint on the bathroom walls. Good grief that took forever. However I am glad that I did get the second coat on, the walls look much better. My next job is to start work on the living room ceiling. Then removing the wall paper from that room. I need to plan a trip to HD in the coming weeks. I need more paint, drop off dead batteries and lightbulbs and pick up a couple of the boards for the new garden bed. I can only fit 2 of the 8 foot x 6 inch boards in my car at one time so I'll have to make 2 trips. Good thing I get great gas mileage. But I can keep the wood in my garage until the weather is nice enough to work outside and put the frame up. I may opt to start the asparagus from seed. Has anyone tried this?

Thanks! As far as the asparagus goes, no I have never started it from seed. I have always started from crowns. That being said, I know I have asparagus growing that self started as seed. You can tell the difference because what comes up from seed is SO THIN! That's part of why you have to wait 3 years before you start harvesting asparagus from seed. Plus you are waiting for good root crowns to form so you let the plant get established so you don't kill it from harvesting too soon. That's what I believe anyway.
I just spoke to my Mom. She said she got up ( with assistance) and used the bedside commode and put some weight on her leg. She also said dinner was good and they moved her to a different room for some reason. I haven't talked to the nurse to see what his take was on her efforts :gig Hopefully they are close to the same! :lau
Good news! Glad to hear your mom is recovering ok.

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