What did you do in the garden today?

I’m originally from Maryland and I remember some pretty devastating tornadoes back in the late 90’s or it may have been early 2000’s. College Park got hit real bad. A few people died in that. We get tornadoes here in Massachusetts as well. Scary stuff.
I've lived in Maryland all my life and only recall a handful of real tornadoes - including the one in College Park and a small one in Harford County that took out a neighbor's barn. We had lots of damaging, tornado-like wind shear blasts, but very few actual tornadoes. Since the mid-90's, we seem to have them every year ... multiple times. One actually took out my sister's dry-cow barn (leaving the wire corn silo attached intact!) Yesterday's went right past my brother's house. This is getting way to close for comfort!
I guess Maryland really does deserve the nickname "America in Miniature." Not only do we have oceans, lakes, mountains and plateau, but now we have blizzards, burning drought, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes. We even had our own scary little earthquake a few years ago. I know we all say that the world is getting smaller ... but this is a bit ridiculous! :oops:
From 1950-Aug of 2017 You're welcome
Screenshot 2020-02-08 at 4.35.42 PM.png
I might have solved my lack of carbon for compost for a while. I just made 2 1/2 bags (just a bit smaller than a standard garbage bag) full of mulch with my chipper. The chipper was a craigslist find last year. The material for it is currently coming from the apple tree I am cutting down.
I love apples as much as most people, but this tree doesn't bare much that we get to eat. Several branches have rotted and became covered in fungus (turkeytail I think), it's too close to the fence, and it's in the way of the garden expansion.

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