What did you do in the garden today?

I did no "gardening" today, but I did get nearly finished with the new chick nursery. Had a bout of Cocci hit some chicks I had in a nursery on the ground a couple of months ago, so decided this batch would be raised in an above ground nursery. House is done (minus roof) as is the framework for the "run". Tomorrow, I'll roof the house and wire the run, then move the little giants from the dog crate to their new home! And, of course, being the type of person I am, I'll be adding new babies to the dog crate and making a tractor to house the new ones once they're big enough to go outside!
Next week is garden crunch time. All my seed orders are in. Hubby has harrowed, harrowed and harrowed the main garden for the spring garden. We'll make the "beds" probably Sunday or Monday, then I'll get to planting seeds on Monday or Tuesday - - - woo-hoo!!
hi all;
i didn't "do" much of anything except look at my garden today (several times) to see what's growing & what's not. i have swiss chard, a couple types of cabbage, broccoli, alot of onions - well, alot in my terms. potatoes planted, started a new asparagus bed.
i've planted a little buckwheat. i'm curious how it will do. it should benefit the bed. i hope to get enough the chickens will be happy with it.
i've planted oats & field peas in my tomato bed thinking the cover crop will be beneficial.
i've planted a row of flowers designed for enticing butterflies. i figure they will help attract pollinators while looking pretty.
my soil is really bad so my gardening is three 4x20' beds 16" high made out of concrete blocks. that's big enough to feed the two of us easily.
i need to get some rabbits for various reasons, but one is the manure. my chickens range too much to collect much from them. i need more poop.
Finally got to harvest my jack fruit......had to take it to my friendly house to share - too big to eat all on my own lol.

Also tried to tidy up my small pond, but had to give up as the catfish kept biting my fingers and I got freaked out by a huge crab that ran over my hand from under a plant pot!

good grief, what the heck is a 'jack fruit'? that thing is monstrous
Its the biggest fruit in the world. It also tastes delicious. When its young you can use it in curries or a spicy paste. When its bigger it goes is very sweet. Its related to the smelly durian fruit - which is said to be the king of all fruits.
Well, after an extremely mild late fall and early winter and a successful growing period in the greenhouse, WINTER with a capital W arrived, collapsed our greenhouse, knocked out the power, made a huge mud puddle of the yard, and left me seriously thinking I'm going to have to build a trellis in my living room for the squash plants I have growing already. Anyone ever garden inside their house?

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