What did you do in the garden today?

Went to the market to take advantage of the last day of a great meat sale. (My cashier wiped his nose with his hand, chewed on his nails and fingers, and picked his armpit all while doing my groceries. GROSS IN ANY SEASON.) I'll put some tortellini sausage soup in the crockpot for DH's dinner tomorrow. I have a class to teach.

Also managed to make it to the hardware store and grabbed the things I needed to make a hanging/display rack for the aprons, dresses, yarn, pillowcases for sale on Saturday. Came home and tossed the groceries in the icebox and built the rack.

The alpacas chewed through the polytape around the new pasture. I'll restring it the next change I get and electrify it. That'll show 'em.

I need to get those peonies in the dirt and sew more stuff tomorrow. Tonight is packing some stuff and making labels.
All I did was asked everyone's help in naming my blue copper marans cockerel
Winning name is Smudge his lower end is still plain blue 006.jpg
Is splitting bulbs a Fall activity only? As our flowers are coming up, I am realizing several groups need to be split, especially the daffodils that were here already when we moved in three years ago. We also have crocus, tulips and alliums. Those seen to be doing alright so far. I would love if they propagate, but we'r just planted many of the tulips and the alliums 1.5 years ago (last Spring was their first bloom).
Didn't have time for anything outside today. Met my daughter at the store and we shopped for attire to wear to my niece's wedding in May. We both got a dress and some shoes. I also got a top and some slacks. She got some earrings and I brought home 2 pair of slacks/dress pants for hubby to try on. Not bad for someone who hates to shop! Good thing my daughter enjoys it. I love spending time with her so it was all good!
Stopped in to check on Mom twice. I'm going to have to make sure she is eating.
What did you do in your garden today?

I picked a bunch of Rattlesnake green beans and Cherokee wax beans, a few tomatoes, three eggplants, some broccoli shoots, and jalapenos. Pretty happy with today's harvest!
I threw a bunch of seeds out before the rain. I’m starting a big new section of greens for my girls:)
Is splitting bulbs a Fall activity only? As our flowers are coming up, I am realizing several groups need to be split, especially the daffodils that were here already when we moved in three years ago. We also have crocus, tulips and alliums. Those seen to be doing alright so far. I would love if they propagate, but we'r just planted many of the tulips and the alliums 1.5 years ago (last Spring was their first bloom).
I have divided daffodils in the late spring, after they died back down, and they did just fine. Plenty of blooms the next year. I wouldn't think they would do well if you divided before die back, unless you disturbed the roots as little as possible....with a lot of soil around them still.

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