What did you do in the garden today?

Thanks for the potato advice.

I was checking on my sweet potato starts. I snipped another slip and placed it in water to root. I also changed the water in all the cups. The root systems under the sweet potatoes is impressive. Check it out:

Also, to join @TropicalBabies in posting pictures of Spring growth, here's a picture of one of our many daffodils coming into bloom. This is the largest bunch In think. I will have to split it this year. There's also some purple crocus on the right side. They are well into bloom now and will begin to lose their petals soon. If you look closely, you'll also notice two bunches of wider leaves towards the brick wall (front of house). Those are alliums that will not flower for several weeks still, but are once off DW's favorite flowers. I planted 4 or 5 in total 2 years ago. They're not cheap bulbs.
I have both maternal and paternal family on Oahu. Unfortunately, I haven't been to the islands since 1993. After my dad passed away, my mom had no desire to visit; and my husband is a mountain man: he doesn't do heat or the beach :old

I promised my daughter we'd visit when finances are available for travel. My favourite is the "Big Island" -- I fell in love with the land, fishing and vegetation. I could live out the rest of my days there...but alas I am in the mountains and I don't see anything changing.

Its OK though. If I cannot be in HI this is my second favourite place to be. Its beautiful, rural and untamed. Only thing I don't like is the cold. It's a bit biting. And unlike the kids, I'm not fond of the snow. It's always a big PITA. Here's Maddy and I braving the cold...its snowing as I type:

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I hear you! I'm at the point where I don't even try to do damage control (maybe its the weather) as I've somehow fallen more in love with the chickens and care less about the mess. In all honesty, I'm just going to be overjoyed when we're done with the cold and snow and I can start gardening again...even if *they* do mess things up.

Speaking of gardening...I'm pretty much confined to doing all things indoors so I've been farting around with my indoor plants. The cacti and herbs don't seem to take a beating regardless of the weather so I cut the dreads today; and I clipped off the edible parts (of the herbs, that is) which I dry upside down in paper bags.

We also had another tree fall down thanks to the wind...hooray...more wood for hubby to go outside and play with his chainsaw like Leatherface!! 🤪
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Xoxoxoxo to All ~ Sleep and Be Well!!! :hugs
The tree missed the fence :lol: yippity skippity!!!
I always buy my DH big "toys" for his B-day etc too. Total win-win.
I love the BI. Maui is home and closest to my heart but if I were to move again I'd go to the BI for acreage so we could have horses, garden, lots of chickens and few neighbors. We actually have a few acres over there but are still tied to this island for now. Plus we would have to start from scratch and DH aint feeling it. I'd be gone in a second if i could. Nice Cadillac complaint... :p
You have good humor and a great way with words. So glad you found the garden thread. Love the photo of you and Maddy lol. You know how they say we look like our pets... maybe our pets look like us?!!!
Stay well all!!
Good morning. Day 4 of Ohio stay at home order. Rain and thunderstorms for the next 48 hours. May need to do curbside pickup at grocery store, haven’t decided if I really need to go out yet.

Raspberries and fig got fertilized yesterday. Thinking of starting some more seeds this weekend.

the baby chickshave been enjoying their safe bit of the run, along with access to the rest of the run bc I propped up their fence on bricks, so they can go between their safe space and the regular run. They are sleeping in their brooder still. There are 2 older pullets that hang around the chick fence, but I’m not seeing too much reprimanding or harassment so far.

the injured RIR has healed nicely. She had a big gash down her side with missing back feathers. I guess due to one of the males. We separated her in a cage in the barn, applied blue kote daily for the last 10 days. She healed nicely and seems to have rejoined the flock without issue, and hopefully does not get re-injured. We have the rooster pen almost complete so the 2 younger ones can be removed temporarily. The main rooster is doing his best to protect the girls and chase off the younger ones.

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