What did you do in the garden today?

So I didn't leave my work-work until after 5 today. (We have our Summer 3W1, 5W1, 8W1 10W, etc. sessions starting next Monday.) But I'm happy to report that I have spinach, eggplant, nasturtiums, chili, pepper and tomato seedlings flourishing. Not too big for them britches yet (with the exception of the nasturtium) though so I don't need to thin and transplant immediately.

Also, plan on collecting my chard seeds soon by drying the stalks in brown paper bags that I hang upside down. *My mom made an herb drying rack a long time ago with little knobs to hang the paper bags from. Chard Seeds.

To be honest, I was drained after work so I took a bottle of wine out on the patio, cracked it open, and had my ladies and gents congregate by me as I enjoyed my red with my new favourite book: Aim True. Sometimes...at least for me...being in the garden means doing nothing. Except drinking wine and hanging out with chickens :hugs
So I didn't leave my work-work until after 5 today. (We have our Summer 3W1, 5W1, 8W1 10W, etc. sessions starting next Monday.) But I'm happy to report that I have spinach, eggplant, nasturtiums, chili, pepper and tomato seedlings flourishing. Not too big for them britches yet (with the exception of the nasturtium) though so I don't need to thin and transplant immediately.

Also, plan on collecting my chard seeds soon by drying the stalks in brown paper bags that I hang upside down. *My mom made an herb drying rack a long time ago with little knobs to hang the paper bags from. Chard Seeds.

To be honest, I was drained after work so I took a bottle of wine out on the patio, cracked it open, and had my ladies and gents congregate by me as I enjoyed my red with my new favourite book: Aim True. Sometimes...at least for me...being in the garden means doing nothing. Except drinking wine and hanging out with chickens :hugs
Well said. It does seem accomplishment enough :love:jumpy
Evening gardeners, been hot as all get out the past couple days. Sadly I saw my first vine borer moth yesterday and that means the end for most of my squash :hit
Such a shame. I'm not even close to sick of eating it so next year I guess I need to start more and start as early as possible. Just so frustrating.
On a happier note, I found my first Armenian white cucumber hiding in the foliage. Elderberries are flowering heavily. My red kuri squash and weird butternut have started changing color. First round of beans finished just as the second round sprouted. Time to focus on the things that like hot weather like melons, okra, peppers and eggplant.
Hey! You can give this a try to save your squash i read it somewhere.
1) Get plastic YELLOW solo cups
2) Wooden stake
3) small nail or screw
4) cheap vaseline
Drive the stake into the garden next to your squash plants, Put the solo cup upside down on the stake an tack it in place with the nail, Coat the solo cup with vaseline.
Supposedly the pest with hop on the solo cup thinking its a yummy squash an stick to the vaseline an die... i personally have not tryed it but i did gather the supplyes to for this yrs garden.
If you do please let me know how it works!
Good morning gardeners. I cranked up the garden tractor and mowed the front yard yesterday. I'll work on the trimming and weed whacking today. I also replaced my 5 foot bean poles with 6 footers. The peas are coming along nicely as are the potatoes. Over half of the pieces I planted are breaking through the dirt. Not much else to do in the garden since we're expected to get a nasty cold blast of winter tonight and tomorrow. Snow, temps in the low 30's then wind chills in the low 20's. Good grief! I just know Spring is out there somewhere. Sadly, one of my sweet baby BO's died. It's a little weird as they were all doing so well. They only pooped in their water occasionally and never in their food. Very sweet little babies. I just hope the remaining 3 make it OK. Have a great day everyone.
@Wee Farmer Sarah, sorry about your little BO! Hoping that the others continue to do well.

Weather here is going to be cold with possible snow on Sunday night!! That is some late snow! And such cold temps for nearly mid-May...47F as a high on Monday! :barnie

Q: my turnip and beet seeds are sprouting. Do they need to be covered? I know they are cold hardy, but a 27F low is pretty low, so I don’t want them to die.

Plan for today is to put up stakes and netting for peas then get those planted Within the next few days. A little late, but the weather hasn’t exactly been inspiring.

all the starts are looking good. They are growing, so I’m happy. Think I’ll wait another week (At least) to plant them since the soil will be pretty cold still.
@Wee Farmer Sarah, sorry about your little BO! Hoping that the others continue to do well.

Weather here is going to be cold with possible snow on Sunday night!! That is some late snow! And such cold temps for nearly mid-May...47F as a high on Monday! :barnie
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Q: my turnip and beet seeds are sprouting. Do they need to be covered? I know they are cold hardy, but a 27F low is pretty low, so I don’t want them to die.

Plan for today is to put up stakes and netting for peas then get those planted Within the next few days. A little late, but the weather hasn’t exactly been inspiring.

all the starts are looking good. They are growing, so I’m happy. Think I’ll wait another week (At least) to plant them since the soil will be pretty cold still.
I would cover the seedlings overnight. It’s in the low 40’s right now but the wind is kicking up. I just turned my heat on to take the chill off of the house. I can’t believe this cold weather just doesn’t want to go away.
Beautiful day today, just let the chickens out, watered the raised beds and the greenhouse, and gave my spoiled girls treats. My snap peas are blooming, the blueberries have set some fruit as have the gooseberries and the red currants.

I've never grown green onions or leeks before so I have a question for anyone here how knows about them. How big should they be before I start pushing soil back around them? Thanks in advance.

Sadly, one of my sweet baby BO's died. It's a little weird as they were all doing so well. They only pooped in their water occasionally and never in their food. Very sweet little babies. I just hope the remaining 3 make it OK.
I'm so sorry for your little one. :hugs

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