What did you do in the garden today?

So sorry for your little one @Wee Farmer Sarah :(

I went out & put some more straw on top of everything. Nothing is peeking though the soil yet, but I figured it can't hurt. Well except for some of the butterfly weed I planted, they just started coming up so I covered them too. Brought the lime tree & rosemary back in, DH has to do the grapefruit & fig when he gets home, or I might just throw a blanket over them, they're used to the cold.

I got the new fence up around the garden today, it came out so good, I'm so happy with it! Stirred the compost & brought up some more mulch & then called it a day cuz my back said so.
The remaining 3 little ones seem sort of okay. They don't seem as active, but it could be I'm just missing them out and about. I'm skipping the weed whacking today. The wind is a bit too much and I have tinnitus and windy days make it all the worse. I've been leaving my fig tree out @Sueby. As long as we don't get a hard freeze, they should be OK. I noticed on the extended forecast they are calling for frost on Tuesday. I may just plant a few things then cover them at night. As for the spring onions and leeks @New Boots, I grew them last year. I didn't bother heaping anymore dirt on the spring onions and the leeks I just did a little when they got a little thicker. I've planted leek seedlings this year in the new, big garden bed that gets sun and shade during the day. Apparently leeks like a little less sun. I'm just hoping the little seedlings make it through this cold Spring. The ones I grew in full sun last year were OK, but didn't get super big. I'm hoping the shade helps this year. Oh, @Sueby, we would like to see your new fence. Pictures???
At the greenhouse in town, I bought 4 more veg starts. I call that restraint!! All their starts looked great! Due to demand, they’ve done three plantings so I had a couple of sizes to pick from.

they’ll probably sell out next week as all the people comeback to buy more starts to replace the ones that died due the below freezing weather we are gettingfor several days.
Aloha garden gang!
So sorry about your sweet chick @Wee Farmer Sarah , I hope the rest stay well and full of fun stories from here on out. :hugs

I am a little shocked on the cold weather and snow (?!!) some of you folks are getting. Our temps have been typical, to warmer than usual. I already purchased 2 fans the other day to try to stave off the misery. One to set up in the coop for nighttime comfort and the other is a small desk top that can blow straight on me at night as I dream of cooler days. I'm not ready to be miserable yet and i don't want to think about hurricane season either. Today is good and I am grateful for it.

Jazz showed up right on time with a small brood of 5-6, looks like Sancho the wild roo has only one out of the deal, thank goodness. That ol Gus was fantastic about getting these girls mated. I only got to see the new family from 20 feet away as I threw mom some feed, but they look super darn cute and I can hardly wait to meet them. I plan on taking her babies from her fairly quick and raise them myself. Rose's babies are far too feral and she is far too mean now. Lesson learned and I don't want a repeat.

I need to get my plan in place with brooder and grown out pen for the near future. I have enough coops and space to juggle the gang at the moment but hoping to get a decent hatch in 19 days!!! Would love to grow out and display to sell in style. May take some thought.
Also looking at incubators online... not sure if and what i will be able to get BUT my top 4 choices are,
#1 R-com mx 20 auto,
#2 Nurture right 360
#3 Hovabator
#4 Brinsea Ovation
Do any of you folks have any thoughts and/or experience with any of these?
Mahalo in advance. :D

I've got a few warm photos for those who may like. DH walked his dog last eve on one of our horse riding haunts. I go today to be the calming effect for sweet Cisco and his 1st beach ride since he went back to sq 1 with ground work.
14238 (2).jpeg

Have a great day all. Continue to stay strong, safe and well!!!
Peace-out!!! :thumbsup
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Huge restraint @Acre4Me!!

@Wee Farmer Sarah you talked me into it, the fig stays out. I'm sure you're right, it stays in the unheated upstairs all winter & I don't bring it in after the first frost, it stays out till the leaves fall off.

& I sort of have a garden fence picture (it's raining & I'm stuck on the heating pad). My ole girl Jazzy's ashes are in the dancing bear stone, my BFF made that for me when she passed. She is on her way to put her girl Holly down as we speak, the 2 dogs were great friends so I sent her the pic & told her to tell Holly to say hi to Jazzy for me. Now I'm crying & that all was waaaay more than you needed to know. :gig So the garden fence isn't pretty, it's to keep the deer & the little critters out. It's just deer netting attached to 8 foot t posts leftover from the chicken run. It has an 8 inch 'apron' if you will that's staked down then covered with mulch.
Huge restraint @Acre4Me!!

@Wee Farmer Sarah you talked me into it, the fig stays out. I'm sure you're right, it stays in the unheated upstairs all winter & I don't bring it in after the first frost, it stays out till the leaves fall off.

& I sort of have a garden fence picture (it's raining & I'm stuck on the heating pad). My ole girl Jazzy's ashes are in the dancing bear stone, my BFF made that for me when she passed. She is on her way to put her girl Holly down as we speak, the 2 dogs were great friends so I sent her the pic & told her to tell Holly to say hi to Jazzy for me. Now I'm crying & that all was waaaay more than you needed to know. :gig So the garden fence isn't pretty, it's to keep the deer & the little critters out. It's just deer netting attached to 8 foot t posts leftover from the chicken run. It has an 8 inch 'apron' if you will that's staked down then covered with mulch.View attachment 2129004
I think it looks very nice and neat. Good job!
Huge restraint @Acre4Me!!

@Wee Farmer Sarah you talked me into it, the fig stays out. I'm sure you're right, it stays in the unheated upstairs all winter & I don't bring it in after the first frost, it stays out till the leaves fall off.

& I sort of have a garden fence picture (it's raining & I'm stuck on the heating pad). My ole girl Jazzy's ashes are in the dancing bear stone, my BFF made that for me when she passed. She is on her way to put her girl Holly down as we speak, the 2 dogs were great friends so I sent her the pic & told her to tell Holly to say hi to Jazzy for me. Now I'm crying & that all was waaaay more than you needed to know. :gig So the garden fence isn't pretty, it's to keep the deer & the little critters out. It's just deer netting attached to 8 foot t posts leftover from the chicken run. It has an 8 inch 'apron' if you will that's staked down then covered with mulch.View attachment 2129004
Sorry about the loss of your loved Jazzy RIP:hugs.
I love your terraced boxes- what a clean and organized space and your mulch is divine!!! :love

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