What did you do in the garden today?

No way on the heat! It's 80's here & I'm dying. I'll take 11 degrees over 111 ANY day! If it's 60 or higher we have the ac on in the bedroom. :lau

@igorsMistress sorry you had a tough weekend. :hugs

Well I got the new girls banded all by myself this am! Hadn't planned on it but it needed to be done.
Thanks Sueby. I'll live but it has definitely slowed me down whatever I did.

Did you use wing bands on the birds or something else?
I always pay for a good day of gardening with 2 aleve & the heating pad!

I used small zip ties on thier legs.
Yep hate the nope you aren't getting out of the coop yet guy job. Still it is easier to work with them on their way to feed/forage for me than to rip them off their roosts during scorpion'o'clock.
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No way on the heat! It's 80's here & I'm dying. I'll take 11 degrees over 111 ANY day!

This is the sentiment of my oldest in Florida. This was the kid I had to purchase high quality snow gear for - hours upon hours in the snow and cold! Specifically comes to visit us in October bc its cool/cold and thats what they like! Of course, I'm not sure I've ever known this kid to be cold either...always ran hot.
This is the sentiment of my oldest in Florida. This was the kid I had to purchase high quality snow gear for - hours upon hours in the snow and cold! Specifically comes to visit us in October bc its cool/cold and thats what they like! Of course, I'm not sure I've ever known this kid to be cold either...always ran hot.
Yep, sounds exactly like me!
true! The lack of a cool evening does make it seem endless. My oldest is stationed in Florida on the gulf coast, and does not care for the extended warm weather for 9 months, with the lack of cool nights a real disappointment. Of course, there is also humidity there to deal with, not helping matters.
Which base? It's the humidity that will drive you insane. Heat is fine. High dewpoints are hell.

Saw this creature emerging from the garden last night when I went to cut asparagus!
Anyone know what it is? I’m thinking mosquito eater. I’m sure that’s not their official name, but that’s what we always called them. 🤣
Off to get a van load of garden soil ( hopefully we will be able to get a couple van loads today).

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