What did you do in the garden today?

ALL the chicks hatched!!

Well, there were a few quitters, but of the eggs that were in lockdown, ALL hatched!!

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Its been quite the chicken Day. Hatching eggs, but also, we were gone all day for chicken judging, county fair. No actual fair, lots of face masks, and limited viewers, but it was chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese all day. Our chickens did pretty well! Thankfully only low 80s, sunny, and a breeze.

Whew, I'm tired! Garden gets attention tomorrow.
Good afternoon gardeners. I start work @ 0600 so I've been checking plants and watering by zones each morning. It's the only way I have time and can keep track cuz afternoons are too darn hot. This morning it was still dark when I started so I couldn't see much but I'm pretty sure actual plants got watered. I moved a couple of things in pots to give them shade earlier in the day as well. I can't wait for cooler weather, we're currently at 113. I'm really over it. K, stay healthy and enjoy your gardens all.
I got part of our grass cut. Harvested a few more tomatoes and cucumbers and a green pepper. Planted some green bean seeds. I wanted to plant bush beans but all I could find in my stash were pole beans so that is what got planted. Don't know if we have enough summer left to get a harvest or not.
My friend invited me out to see their property they just bought. It is something like 14 or 22 acres ( I don't remember which). It is beautiful out there!!
I think I will harvest one of the buckets of potatoes tomorrow if I can find a time between the rain.
I also need to butcher a couple more meat birds.
My Mom was supposed to go home today but the nursing home said they require a negative Covid test within 72 before discharge from the hospital. So they had to re-test her and then wait for the results. They think she will go home tomorrow,
Glad to hear that @karenerwin, hopefully she gets her results back quick.

I hear ya @igorsMistress, I start work at 6:30 also so I have to get everything done early because it's just too hot in the afternoons. Trying to spray neem in the dark doesn't work well, lol.

Morning all! I picked a few beans to snack on & like 6 more squash. The squash bread was a big hit with DH so I may just shred, squeeze & freeze it for that if my parents or my sister don't want to come get some. I almost put some out with the UPS package I left for the UPS man yesterday. :lau He'd prolly think I was crazy.

We keep missing out on all the rain & I'm really sick of watering the garden - can't wait to see the water bill.

I'm going to rip out a couple more mostly dead cukes, the fruit on the plants are not doing well & it annoys me to see it. I'll probably try a late planting of lettuce in there later on & just let the pole beans take over that trellis. I might just go buy some pickling cukes & can them. It's so cheating, lol.
G'morning gardeners. @Sueby I get annoyed with stuff and rip it out too lol. I had a stupid migraine in the middle of the night. Meds, shower and back to bed, so this morning I'm grumpy but functional. This didn't help my attitude when I woke up :barnie

I need to go water the oleanders and then get to work. Stay healthy all!
Good morning all . Its about 80* here now but humidity is lower than it has been . Here's this morns haul from the garden .

garden 47.jpg

Zucchini , yellow squash , cucumbers , and tomatoes .
2 Super Sauce with good size , and a fairly large Amish Paste with the ox heart shape . The kids and my wife have claimed their tomatoes for today . I'll be happy with the squash and a nice cucumber salad with dinner :)
Have a great day all .
Good morning gardeners. It's a wee bit cooler this morning and less humid thank goodness. I did my garden walk and did some weeding and pruning on the tomatoes. I picked a small yellow squash and more bush beans. Then I gave the tomato plants a spray of epsom salts water. I need to put some fertilizer on the leeks then water everything in the back. I stopped for my second cup of coffee for now. I have a couple of hungarian peppers that need to be picked so will do that also. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler than today so I will try to tackle the grass mowing then. Yes @Sueby, the okra flowers are lovely, but unfortunately they don't bloom for very long. That's why I take a picture when I see them bloom to capture the moment. This is my first experience with asparagus @penny1960, but I believe you are supposed to mulch them over the winter. I'm sure that is needed in my climate zone, however, your winters are much milder than mine. I'm really impressed with the asparagus plants though. They are growing like crazy, so I'm looking for a nice little harvest next Spring. The baby chick pics are adorable @Acre4Me. Good to know you are drying out @AllenK RGV. I hope we hear from @TropicalBabies soon. I'm glad your Mom is well enough to go home @karenerwin. I'm sure this is a stressful time for you. Have a great day everyone.

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