What did you do in the garden today?

Oh I also learned a valuable lesson. Don't use the sight of a compost pile from past years as part of your garden. As well as the corn I planted there I also have tomatoes and peas. Not sure what else yet. Wish me luck.
WEED WEED WEED! !!!! Stupid rain!!!! I haven't been able to get to the garden in days because of the water. So today I spent 3 hours weeding for the chickens.
Please send your rain here!! I've only established my new garden this year and we're having a major heatwave and my plants are meeeeelllllttttting (as am I). So I've been watering like crazy.
Well, today we watered and weeded. I planted some Italian Genovese zucchini in some open spots and I need to plant a bed of Beets tonight if the bugs aren't too bad! We also need to make a few new beds. I have officially run out of room. We still need to plant more bush beans, pole beans, cucumbers, peas, carrots, parsnips (I've never even eaten one before so this is something new we are trying!), and more herbs. They are all 60 days to maturity so we should still be okay :)
lol my kids really struggle pulling parsnips out of the groud. Hilarious when the root break and they fall backwards on to their bums. We planted them in a tall pot , an old horse trough, this time. I love parsnips with butter and brown sugar. These days I will look for a recipe without the sugar to enjoy the parsnips. Hope you enjoy them!!

Weeded and chucked greens to the hens.

Planted volunteer tomato that son pulled out of the compost heap.

Looked at the plots hoping to see bush cukes-- nothing yet.
I fried some gourd tonight . Gourds are edible like summer squash . Good fried while small . Mine are small pear shaped .Squash vine Boers leave them alone . These were interplanted with my zucchini and yellow straightneck for some protection last year . Helped until late season . These are volunteers from the gourd seed . Some may be crossed . I made some crosses to test resistance in F1 . Those are starting to male flowers .
I fried some gourd tonight . Gourds are edible like summer squash . Good fried while small . Mine are small pear shaped .Squash vine Boers leave them alone . These were interplanted  with my zucchini and yellow straightneck for some protection last year . Helped until late season . These are volunteers from the gourd seed . Some  may be crossed . I made some crosses to test resistance in F1 . Those are starting to male flowers  .

Thanks....I really didn't know that but DUH! It makes perfect sense....I have eaten small Luffas ....and talk about something inedible when mature!!!!
It feels mighty hot here, I think a lot because of the humidity. My best guess about why my garden is growing slowly is that it gets sun first thing in the morning; then the conifers shade it until around 11, when the north end begins to get sun again. It takes until around 2-3 before all the plants get sun again. I meant to measure it today, but got caught up in planting, weeding, watering, Sluggo-ing, etc. At least I'm still getting lettuce, arugula, beet leaves and chives. I'll just count those as blessings and keep doing what I can for the plants. It also looks like the garlic is maturing--some brown stems--shucks, no more scapes. And raspberries, oh my!!! There are lots!

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