What did you do in the garden today?

I'm more of a hands off gardener. Plant stuff, water it, sometimes pull weeds. Things go decently well for me...

Frosted late this year, so I am not planting seeds. Instead I got these started plants from a nursery.


I just went out to fill up the gas tank (who knows if we'll be able to get gas here on the east coast soon) & it took ALL I had to drive past the garden store! Nursery plants are in! Thankfully I had the dog with me & it was a bit warm to leave him in the car. I kind of want to go back. :gig

How frustrating @WthrLady. Do you have a DEEP (that's what it's called here in CT) that you can talk to about it? I think they make exceptions out of season if something is doing major damage.

@Wee Farmer Sarah it has been an exceptionally windy spring so far, it's crazy. I don't know how that is, but it is!
@BReeder! I haven’t found one that’s accurate for my area because I’m in a microclimate. Our temperature swings are usually wider than forecasted. I just keep an eye on the lows for the week using the local news. For me I know anytime they are forecasting below 45F we have a chance of frost. Anything below 40F frost is certain for me. Forecasters seem to be fairly conservative when giving out warnings. Once the low was supposed to be something like 47 but I trusted my gut and covered my plants. It dropped below 30 that night. Lots of farmers had to replant that year. I guess what I’m trying to say is paying attention to your forecasts and taking the time to learn your micro climate is more valuable than a app.
What site or app do you prefer for checking weather that let's you know about frost warning. Surprisingly, it's something that's not included in many of the weather forecasts.
The local news talks specifically about frost/freeze warnings in the area because there are so many farmers, and lots of fruit farmers. They're pretty good, but I can figure my garden down the hill will be a couple degrees cooler than the forecast, or what I see on the thermometer at the house.
They are beautiful colors mine are blah purple too.
Yes, they are beautiful! :thumbsup

:oops: Purple is NOT blah. It's my favorite color.
Well, I got the string trimming done in two areas now, and the trimmings raked up. One more area to go! Batteries are on the charger. I might wait until tomorrow to finish. The spot I did today was higher priority.

My arms feel rubbery.

I wish the sun would come back out. It peeks out, goes away, comes out for 10 minutes, then sprinkles. :barnie The breeze wouldn't feel nearly so chilly if it were sunny.
@NewBoots they are adorable!! :love Are they all supposed to be girls? :oops: It's too early to tell but 2 of them make me wonder.
Yeah I have one that I have doubts about too. They're all supposed to be female but no guarantees so we're rolling the dice really. We don't really mind a male or even two ($2 chicks so good deal) since we're doing some practical culling in the fall. I'd love a rooster but we can't keep them here.
@ChickensForEggs2500, welcome to the thread, and I wish all my seeds were planted. :)
I can grow veggies and flowers- black thumb when it comes to herbs though- just can’t get the hang of growing those.
I just learned something about herbs I never knew-They like crappy, dry soil. I’ll try that this year. Last year I think i got my drainage wrong. I also bought a misting waterer.

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