What did you do in the garden today?

Will pick tomatoes today and maybe more corn....had my first two ears of that yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find them to be full, crisp and sweet. Will hoe out any crab grass starting to sneak in and pull some of the same around the lettuce.

Hope to plant some beans today. Also thinking of building a cold frame to fill in the garden so I can start some romaine, spinach, carrots, kale and broccoli.
Got the swampy yard mowed before the next round of rains predicted for today and tomorrow. It was way too wet, but if I'd waited, it would've been worse. The chickens are enjoying the clippings. This is one of our wettest years ever! Beats a drought!

Tomatoes are starting to ripen, cukes doing well, and have enjoyed some green beans. Waiting on the eggplant. Picked some jalapeños.
We went two weeks of it raining every day so we could not get the grass cut. lol it was 2' high. Made it difficult to get caught up.
My tomatoes are nearly played out from this heat. I pulled up quite a bit of stuff already and fed it to the cows.
We got 2 bushels of pears canned.
I will be looking for some seeds for a fall garden soon.
Waiting for the rain to stop and then back to picking green beans. Picked a 5-gallon bucket yesterday and I have another similar amount to pick today. My back may never be the same. But green beans are my favorite so it will be worth it. :drool
How do you preserve them? I got my first big picking today: a plastic shopping bag full. Going to do my maiden voyage with a new pressure canner. Picked about 1.5# of carrots (thinning the beds). Will cook those up tonight with some potatoes and onions, summer squash on the grill. Raspberries producing very well.
Today I weeded, picked 4 cucumbers and my last cabbage. Then I watered. I need to pick jalapenos. My two potted jalapenos have 15 and 16 peppers that are ready...lol. I'm just not ready to make jelly/pickle them yet.

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