What did you do in the garden today?

Good afternoon gardeners. Only slim pickings in the garden now. I pulled all the carrots. The one row planted in the small bed with the kale was great. I got 15 useable carrots from that. The big bed where the peas were planted only produced 1 carrot. I think I mentioned I pulled all the shallots and they did well. My cucumber plants are doing well and actually have a blossom on one. I’ve counted 36 ears of corn developing and the pole beans planted with them are starting to bloom. I bought a red delicious apple tree and planted it between my Empire and Gala trees. Hopefully it will blossom this Spring and serve as a pollen source. Bad news is repairs to my existing coop are too extensive so I bought a small shed and will turn that into a new coop on the other side of my house. I’m putting a few privacy fence panels up to shield them from some of my more annoying neighbors. Their yard will be smaller but when the garden is done I can let them in the big garden to forage. I’m seriously considering putting up a small poly tunnel in the old chicken yard at the end of this coming Winter. Lots of sun. It’s over my septic field so everything will have to be in containers.
This vari
That's fantastic!
How big did the plants get, I picture like bush green beans, no?
This variety was pretty bushy and taller than my usual green bean. But, yes, like a green bean! The other variety I grew and already harvested was less bushy and smaller, shorter season and good yield too. I’ll have to look in my notebook for the name of that variety.
We eat them like potato chips!
I made cucumber chips once. They were delicious. I ate an entire cucumber's worth.

You know how cukes can make you burp? What ever makes that gas made it farther down. Too far along to be a burb. It was actually very painful.

Any suggestions on how to get around that? I don't know what variety of cuke it was, so maybe it wasn't a "burpless" kind.
I'm making some iris markers for rhizomes I planted new this year. I am splitting up the irises I inherited from my mom, and I got like 10 new reblooming kinds from Breck's and Shreiners. I 3d modeled these to be printed in white PLA, which I intend to paint and label like the respective color of blossom expected.

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If you made day lily versions of those tags I'd be interested in buying some...
The foul language happens right after they dump the bucket. 😂

Yeah, my son always wants to shoot everything. 🙄 Thankfully everyone else talks him out of such nonsense. I did have to have him shoot a sick coon (distemper) and a skunk trying to get my chickens earlier this summer.

But typically we don't shoot snakes unless it's a poisonous one that could pose immediate harm to people or animals.
I kill Copperheads, all other snakes are tolerated or discouraged.

This is the Rat snake I found in my coop over the weekend. I relocated it to the woods at the end of the street.
OK, who wants some comic relief?

DH and I are away on vacation. While we are gone, our 2 youngest kids are watching our house and taking care of the animals. This morning my daughter found a rat snake hiding in the duck coop.


Note - my son doesn't talk like this normally... 😂

I love it.
Currently sitting at the hospital with my daughter and son in law waiting for my daughter to have her baby.
Too hot out today to do anything other than water the garden, refresh the chicken waterers and give the rabbits frozen water bottles. Oh and I turned off the heat lamp for the Cornish Cross chicks because it’s too hot to have a heat lamp on 😳
My cherry tomato plants are being overrun with aphids. 😞
Get some ladybugs. They love aphids.

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