What did you do in the garden today?

I used to work in shipping. The size of the box was the first thing to bump up the price for FedEx and UPS. For example, if we had 30x40 (inch) photograph, and shipped it flat in a 34x44 box, it would be $40-50 MORE than if we rolled up the print and shipped it in a tube.

So... were the 75 egg cartons laid out side-by-side? I would assume they'd be stacked in batches of 15...?
Here, a tube is way more expensive, cos it doesn’t fit the “mold”, anything rectangular is the usual price ( of course they have different prices for different sizes)
I ordered a 15oz bag of skittle candy from Amazon on an impulse. I wanted to taste the rainbow.................and I was too lazy to go to the store.
This totally made me LOL. :lau
Yep, I will check the eggs 3X a day when it gets really cold outside. For me, really cold means the temps are down to -20F, or colder.

:idunno I am surprised to read that people won't eat a frozen and cracked egg. I'm not trying to convince anyone to do something that don't want to do, and certainly feeding eggs back to the chickens is not a waste of the eggs, but I would like to better understand what you and others are concerned about?

I have been eating frozen and cracked eggs for years and have never even thought twice about it. We sell our excess eggs to friends of the family, but never a frozen and/or cracked egg. But we eat all the frozen and cracked eggs at home and have never had any negative results.
For all the reason stated - thaw, refreeze, icks getting in, etc. I also have several autoimmune diseases & take immunosuppressant drugs so I don't mess around with anything.
So, I need egg cartons. My freebies from friends are all in use. So, I headed to a few internet places..Romberg, egg cartons.com, Meyer hatchery…and yes, Amazon. Meyer had what I wanted, so I put 75 cartons in the cart (less per item cost at that point), and went to checkout. I have a POBox, and a street address. I tried both. But, I could have them shipped fed Ex (I think ground, not overnight) for $1,200 (yes, 1.2k), or UPS OR USPS for around $250….. :th

Yeah, I’m not buying them.
That is insane! Are you all set - did you order from somewhere? I looked at Amazon Prime & they offer free shipping here.

We had rain so most of the snow is gone but the ground is frozen. Supposed to be 50 tmrw.

My next back surgery is tmrw, here's hoping for success! 🙏 I need to do a lot of gardening this year after having to take last year off.
not sure where I originally seen this but 30% off today until midnight eastern time
How would you repackage a few seeds? Without plastic

My sister sent our seed order in. We are splitting packets of some things and trading 4 to 6 seeds of some of our old seeds and some of our newly ordered varieties.

Glass baby jars make sense for some of my seed stash. Mostly, the jars are too big for the seed size x number of seeds.

Last year, I made envelops out of paper: I found a template online, printed a pageful, cut them out, glued one end, let that dry, put the seeds in, and glued the other end. It is better to write the contents, source, and year on it before any gluing. Last weekend I discovered it is also better to write the seed count on them.

I'm fairly happy with the envelopes but they are a little hassle to make and I had to destroy them to open them. Also, a few seeds got caught in the ends. That might be from impatience so letting the glue dry more could fix it. Possibly, if I made them extra long, I could cut off the end and reglue them shorter. Or maybe there is a better way.

I'm toying with the idea of using straws. I need a way to close off the ends. I would rather not flatten the ends. The tricky part is being malleable enough to fit as a plug yet neither shrink loose as it dries nor allow the seeds to stick to it nor give too much moisture to the seeds. Anyone want to throw out some ideas?
Temu has a handheld heat sealer. I have one and it's really nice to have. I can reseal cereal bags.

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