What did you do in the garden today?

@Sally PB , I have a bottle of celery seed if I need celery flavor in something. The seeds don't get slimy. LOL

Last summer when my tomatoes were in their productive mode I put a lot of whole tomatoes in gallon bags, which I froze. I ended up with 7 gallons of whole tomatoes in the freezer.

I opened up the last bag today, so I'm going to need to preserve more tomatoes this year. I could've eaten a lot more tomatoes than I did over the winter but I wanted to make them last.

Because whole tomatoes take up a lot of space, I'm going to need to cook them before freezing, or start using my canner.

I have a lot more tomato plants to put in the garden this year, so I think I'll get enough to keep me happy next winter.

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Your tomatoes are looking great! I plant between 40 to 50 tomatoes every year to keep us stocked in the winter. I store them in a variety of ways. I can most of them but I store lots in the freezer before so I don't have to can in the summer.
Your tomato plants look great. I'm thinking like you and going to freeze or can more tomatoes this year. 🍅 🍅 🍅
One of my favorite things to do is oven roast tomatoes, then freeze that until I'm ready to can. Then when I'm running out of room I'm the freezer I weigh out what I have, thaw it out and can it. I try to do at least 3 cases of roasted, 1 case of whole peeled, and 2 cases of diced. I only plant two or three slicing tomatoes, one or two sungolds, the rest are paste types. Which I use for just about everything anyways.

Over the weekend we were up camping and playing on ATVs. Got my son to finally take a ride! My DH is finally on the hunt to buy us our own RZR. I'm not keen on a 4 seater but that's what we're in for. I'd rather have two, 2 seaters... But that would be a logistical pain. Went frog hunting with some of the kids. Taught my son how crazy Mom is about toads. I heard one over the frogs and had to go find her.
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When we got home I pretty much went straight to the garden. Added perlite to my ground level bed to really loosen the soil structure... I had a seed emergency. It rained while we were gone and the she shed leaks a little... I had a bag of seeds get moist under a drip location on accident so I had to plant a whole packet of carrot seeds. So, I'll be doing a ton of pickled carrots this year! 😂

Yesterday I was going to put things in the ground but the soil isn't quite warm enough. So instead I built up two more hoop houses over two of my beds. To help my garlic and onions bulb up faster and warm the ground faster.

I also applied another spray for root knot nematodes in all of the beds. I will get them under control this year. I will! I then mulched two of my beds, purslane is starting to sprout, let's see if I can get ahead of it and get rid of it. I pounded in all of the t posts I need for the garden this year as well.

Then I trenched and started my plumbing for the two raised beds that don't have irrigation. I ran out of elbows... Making a trip to home cheapo today for another bag of elbows.

Roses are blooming, and the broccoli is coming along nicely!
I plan to get more trumpet vines for the bees. I figure if the vine can out grow the brome grass in the field, well, goodie for it and the bees.

I read a review on a site that sold trumpet vine. The person said NOTHING could kill it. Not cutting it down, not burning, nothing. They didn't mention using the G-word (glyphosate). They named it Aubrey after the plant in Little Shop of Horrors.
Tordon works.
It's already over 60 degrees here and sunny. I sat my tomato and pepper starts out on the front porch railing to give them a dose of natural sunlight.

The gentle breeze will help toughen up the stems of the plants. I've read that indoor plants benefit from having a fan blowing over them, so the real thing should be even better. LOL

And I saw that the daikon seeds I planted in the bucket are starting to sprout. The 50 to 60 day wait begins...

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Definite potential for wild weather in Ohio/KY today. 2 weeks ago, 8 tornadoes hit all around me in the general area, one was EF3. So, pretty sure everyone around here is a little worried today.
Please stay safe, tornadoes terrify me.
Roses are blooming, and the broccoli is coming along nicely!
Wow, you weren't kidding, you were busy!
Last sunny day before the rain starts here again.
Morning gardeners, dropping some seeds today
rain can water them.
Same here, we're expecting the rain to start around 8pm tonight so lots to get done today. Next big break in the rain should be next Monday.
-Fixed the kitchen faucet
-installed the insulators for the electric fence
-set up another sprinkler station in the pasture with a 50 foot hose
-been to the village post office and back
-washed a load of garden sheets (still needs to put them in the garden after the 40mph winds die down)
-two loads of laundry
-peonies get put in the ground about 4 when I feed the critters
-canned a gallon worth of water
-and bread is on the rise
phew, and it's not even 230pm yet

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