What did you do in the garden today?

Nextdoor to @NewBoots. :lau My aunt lives in Vancouver & my cousin lives up near Seattle - so doesn't really matter where, just close enough to have family sorta nearby! I've never lived anywhere but CT, it's so different & beautiful out there, who doesn't love pine trees & waterfalls! & cookies & no snakes, lol.

It's funny, tomatoes are one thing I don't do much of. I can't grow enough to can all I need so I don't bother anymore - I just grow some snacking ones.

So yay - my GreenStalk section of the garden is all set up! :wee DH only killed like 8 onions in the process. It's so annoying when they don't listen & think they know better. :rant

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Rain, rain & more rain. I think tomorrow I will watch movies allll day. 😁 Gotta start some eggplant tho, seeds just came in.
I seen they just came out with cherry blossoms pink 🩷 green stalk
I am so not a pink girl, but I bet it would look great full of flowers!
I disagree. :lau

I think the pink planter would take away from the beauty of the flowers. Black would be a better background for flowers, in my humble opinion.

But what do I know. I'm just an ignorant old ex-husband....

:wee DH only killed like 8 onions in the process. It's so annoying when they don't listen & think they know better. :rant
:lau :lau :lau :lau
I started covering frames over the strawberries with chicken wire. Hand is sore from using the wire cutters so much. Still need to finish.
The replacement belt for my timer was delivered today. I'll be getting that installed and tilling finally. Then potatoes will go in and soon enough I'll be planting corn and transplanting watermelon and sunflowers in the tilled area.
I started covering frames over the strawberries with chicken wire. Hand is sore from using the wire cutters so much. Still need to finish.
The replacement belt for my timer was delivered today. I'll be getting that installed and tilling finally. Then potatoes will go in and soon enough I'll be planting corn and transplanting watermelon and sunflowers in the tilled area.
Do you have an angle grinder? With a cutoff wheel it cuts through wire like butter.
We get native blue ones here.

The automatic watering barrel thingy we have for the chickens is kinda falling apart, it wasn't really made right and so is hard to service when needed. I'm trying to decide if I want to get it rebuilt or just use the simple 3 gallon basic waterer I use as emergency water. It has to have a level base and that's hard to manage with the girls out there digging to China.
I set my five gallon feeder and waterer on concrete ("cinder") blocks that I have sunk down 1-2". So far they've not been able to topple either one.

⬆️ The waterer also is secured by a bungee cord.
Omg, it was so windy today... And I really needed to spray the fruit trees since we had all that rain yesterday. I managed to get everything done reasonably well. I had to stand on top of the 4 wheeler to reach the top of the peach trees since they are easily 10+ feet tall now. The only thing I didn't spray was my pink rose bush because it's right next to the double gold raspberries which were teeming with honeybees.

I really need to finish the new self-watering raised bed for the tomatoes this weekend but decided not to work on it tonight. I'll haul rocks tomorrow... Instead I went and played with the baby goats. 😊

Oh, and my irises are beginning to bloom. And ranunculus have sprouted from the ground. 😊 Very excited about that! Can't wait to see them in full bloom...

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