What did you do in the garden today?

Moonlighting as Auntie Jungle Gym... 😂 The little black one (Matilda) is very sweet and tame.

I do not need goats. You're not helping.
Today is 6 weeks since wart removal. Nearly healed. Walking almost normal. It made my back and left knee hurt because of walking funny. Back and knee are much better.
Wow. I took mine off with ACV, and it was painless and done in about 10 days. Another 2 weeks (?) of the skin where it was being tender, and that was it. If I ever get another wart, I'll do the same thing.
PFT :barnieanother 2 giant black winter melon snapped off the vine. I supported 3 that were left hanging, but its easier said than done. First, I tied a mesh with 2 cords under the bottom of the vertical melon, so the weight is resting on the bottom of the melon. Then I thought, it might stop the growth of the melon, so I tied the other two up sideways. I need to sleep on this and search for heavy duty netting or make one with the cord.

I chopped up the smallest one and thought to myself, what am I going to do with 60 lbs of winter melon?

I found this easy winter melon drink recipe that I will try today.

ETA: ooohhh, I tried again a couple days ago to talk DH into moving out to PNW after retiring. He's softening. LOL
YAY!!!! Keep swinging @Sueby, we'll have my fantasy commune yet!
I think so, I only wanted 40 tomatoes... I now have 61. I'm literally inventing places to plant them. I don't know why I did this to myself. I think the chickens are going to have a few tomato plants in the orchard to enjoy. 😂 However I do need to can tomatoes. Had a bunk harvest last year so I only got two cases of ripe tomatoes canned.
Ya know, I think that's part of why I love growing tomatoes so much, for a very small space, I get lots of canned goods.
See ya later, hope I don't regret this...snake will be happy but I may miss a good mouser
Bless your heart for helping out a fellow creature! We only see garter snakes around here, a few big snakes to hunt the mice and rats would be great.
We have copperheads & a very large population of timber rattlers.
We NEVER get copperheads and while there are western rattlesnakes said to be in Oregon, at 70 yo, I've never ever seen one. Come to the PNW, we have cookies and practically no snakes!
where abouts?
This is about me, I've been trying to get everyone to move to the Oregon Coast so I can have my commune! Come to the Oregon Coast for the fishing, cool temperatures, and seashore, stay for the gardening!
55 mph winds meant cleaning the chicken run of all its winter crap was OFF the table.
I spent the day baking bread, and bread stuffs, and weaving, but my soul wasn't in it.
Heading for 90' on Sunday.
I need a cooler day with LIGHT winds from the North/NW/NE to clean the coop out.
So when that happens, I'm out there taking it to bare earth for a few days, then I'll put in more pine shavings to prevent flies.
Nothing but feeding seedlings and watering seed, and watering the herb garden going on.
Daikon update:

It's growing slowly. I watered the bucket well today with close to a gallon of water. I wanted the potting mix to get a good soaking.

Will the bucket drainage that I created with drain holes about an inch above the bottom of the bucket turn it into sort of a self watering bucket? There's room for water to pool in the bottom.

IMG_3759.JPG IMG_3761.JPG IMG_3762.JPG
Yesterday I saw the first tomato seedlings in the green house. I haven't been up to visit them today; I'll go see them on Saturday.

Next week is going to be WAAAAY too warm. Several 70 degree days and nights in the 50s. The blueberry bushes and fruit trees are going to burst into bloom.

It is way too soon for them to be that far along. :fl :fl that they are going to be ok. I wish it were 3 weeks later in the season.
where abouts?
Nextdoor to @NewBoots. :lau My aunt lives in Vancouver & my cousin lives up near Seattle - so doesn't really matter where, just close enough to have family sorta nearby! I've never lived anywhere but CT, it's so different & beautiful out there, who doesn't love pine trees & waterfalls! & cookies & no snakes, lol.
YAY!!!! Keep swinging @Sueby, we'll have my fantasy commune yet!

Ya know, I think that's part of why I love growing tomatoes so much, for a very small space, I get lots of canned goods.

Bless your heart for helping out a fellow creature! We only see garter snakes around here, a few big snakes to hunt the mice and rats would be great.

We NEVER get copperheads and while there are western rattlesnakes said to be in Oregon, at 70 yo, I've never ever seen one. Come to the PNW, we have cookies and practically no snakes!

This is about me, I've been trying to get everyone to move to the Oregon Coast so I can have my commune! Come to the Oregon Coast for the fishing, cool temperatures, and seashore, stay for the gardening!
It's funny, tomatoes are one thing I don't do much of. I can't grow enough to can all I need so I don't bother anymore - I just grow some snacking ones.

So yay - my GreenStalk section of the garden is all set up! :wee DH only killed like 8 onions in the process. It's so annoying when they don't listen & think they know better. :rant


Rain, rain & more rain. I think tomorrow I will watch movies allll day. 😁 Gotta start some eggplant tho, seeds just came in.

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