What did you do in the garden today?

How would a dwarf pear do compared to a standard pear, or a pear grafted onto quince? I know I'm asking an impossible question because there are so many variables, and so many different varieties! I may just bite the bullet, and commit the space to a standard pear, then shop around amongst my friends in an other year or two for a variety to graft onto my tree. Of course, my problem is that I want a complete orchard 10 years ago!
How would a dwarf pear do compared to a standard pear, or a pear grafted onto quince? I know I'm asking an impossible question because there are so many variables, and so many different varieties! I may just bite the bullet, and commit the space to a standard pear, then shop around amongst my friends in an other year or two for a variety to graft onto my tree. Of course, my problem is that I want a complete orchard 10 years ago!

Dwarf pear will get maybe 15 - 20 feet . They use quince or calleryana pear roots to achieve dwarf size . Standard can reach 40 feet . If you are in zone 5 you have a huge selection of pear . I prefer dwarf for pear as it is really semi dwarf size when compared to apple . They will start bearing earlier than standard .
We did nothing in the garden today we got a freak snow almost 2" but not fun snow wet, yucky, sludgy no snowman snow. But it sat on my collards for most of the day so tomorrow we pick and cook up a nice big pot of greens. My homemade hot vinegar should be at the ready too.
Three nights ago, we had our first real frost, so everything got killed. Well, apart from the radishes, which was the only plant in there that I have no fondness towards! :lol:

Luckily, I got all my tomatoes in before the frost, and have them ripening in my pantry now.

Happy Tractor! I am delighted for you!!!
Everyone seems to be John Deer people around here, but I love the Farmalls!
And the Alis Chambers and Massy Fergusons.. oh, I just love tractors
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