What did you do in the garden today?

I would but we are snowed and iced in. Our Churches are even close because most of us can't get out of our own driveways and more snow is heading our way. I thought I bought enough ginger to make ginger ale and candy. I didn't realize how nauseous I would be.
Sorry you are not feeling well.
I need some help from my gardening/herb people. We have been snowed/iced in and no change of getting out till maybe Tuesday. I hardly ever take any kind of pills, even fever reducers are hand made teas around here. So I m really really having a hard time with the chemo pills and chemo in general.
I had made some candied ginger and home made peppermint tea and hard candy. I also made homemade bone broth yesterday. Since running out of all my nausea goodies. I really have taken a turn for the worst. Any ideas I've got all I need to bake and cook. Just out of my bag of normal tricks.i did make bone broth yesterday and I am able to sip that and keep that down but not much else.

Crackers? I did soda crackers and 7 up or seltzer water
I have eaten myself out of crackers I didn't realize how long we would be stuck. I looked up making homemade crackers, they are in the oven now. The boys are going to try and make it up to the gas station on the four wheeler to get some supplies and we just lost power. Yippee yippee. I almost forgot what it was like living in snow down in the county, where we don't get a lot. I know now that I need to be better prepared.
Runner, you have to be careful with natural remedies. Some things are actually going to interact poorly with your chemo. While you are undergoing chemo, try to avoid anti-oxidant rich foods. Most chemotherapy is an oxidization treatment, so consuming antioxidants is counteractive to it.

I would drink some chamomile tea with some lemon if you're out of ginger. Oatmeal can also be good, just don't add too many flavors to it. Try to focus on eating basic foods like grains, and avoid acids, sugars, salts, spicy and fats. (All the nice things. ;_; ..) Lean meats are also good like chicken and rabbit. Chicken soup can be a great meal for when you're sick. Grain noodles, vegetables and chicken in a light broth can be just right.
Mint can also help. My mom liked chewing mint gum. Smelling mint tea can also help.
Get fresh air and also try not to curl up and compress your stomach after meals.

I've also heard that fennel and anise can be good.
I have eaten myself out of crackers I didn't realize how long we would be stuck. I looked up making homemade crackers, they are in the oven now. The boys are going to try and make it up to the gas station on the four wheeler to get some supplies and we just lost power. Yippee yippee. I almost forgot what it was like living in snow down in the county, where we don't get a lot. I know now that I need to be better prepared.

I understand I do I was diagnosed in Juneau Ak.. where I lived had to come to Seattle for treatment did not have a vein in my body not ravaged by chemo no pill's back then
I can't do scented stuff. Natural scents are ok, but chemical fake scents kill me.

Can you keep down, or do you have mint tea? Are there any pharmacies near you who could deliver? Keep sipping water. Tiny bits at a time. When you can get out, fill those scrips, even if only to keep them on hand as back up for when the natural stuff doesn't cut it.
Almost feel guilty posting this, yesterday was registration day for our local community gardens so I worked doing signups. later i was able to plant a few rows of onions, along some arugula transplants from another gardener, and lemon grass. Today I finally got the Christmas lights off the house and put away. Was out of town last week so I'm using that as my excuse!

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