What did you do in the garden today?

I've never been a fan of crocs. I prefer an open toe with a heel strap. And the hose them out convenience is something I've never missedeven with leather sandals.
Personally I think crocs are visually hideous. (Same with Birkenstocks, btw). But the solid ones without holes serve me functionally well in the garden. It's literally the ONLY time or place I wear them. Whenever I put them on, they look like duck feet... 🙄
How many frames equaled how much honey?

Maybe we'll have honey in a year... :fl
This was 10 frames. I think I'll bottle it tomarrow and I'll let you know exactly how much it was.
A couple of the sides of frames weren't drawn out.
Still, I'm happy because the last 2 years I had to keep buying bees that couldn't make it through the winter, so I didn't get any honey.
This hive has almost finished capping another 10 frames so I'm hoping to grab those too.
Taking a break between mowing. I’m sitting with the chickens right now. I really need to cut back on my work. My legs ache. Sore muscles. Tomorrow is laundry day and possibly raining so I’ll take it easier. I watered the corn patch this morning and moved 3 logs. Two were for steps up the slope to the grape arbors. The other was another for path liner. I just need a few more logs there and I can start dumping mulch there. The steps I’m creating are partly for an easier walk up the slope and to minimize erosion. Ok. Back to work.
Trying to catch up. First day back to work in 6 months. 😣

Sprinkling out right now, hopefully more to come.

DH picked strawberries last night, got a nice big bowl. I froze them so I can make jam later this year (hopefully).

I prefer to be barefoot, but I wear crocs in the garden that are redic. Way to big & tie dye. :gig I won't leave the yard in them. When I do have to actually wear shoes I live in birks. Don't care how ugly they are, they are life. My feet won't have it any other way.

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