What did you do in the garden today?

Didn't do anything for my 'garden' today. Just cleaned out my gutters and disrupted an ant nest in the process (it's...been a while since i last cleaned the gutters...). Fun. Checked on the fruit trees, I'm a bit worried about the peaches. There's two left, the rest were duds, but one has one small area with slight 'wrinkles' on it :/ not sure what that means. The sheepnose apples got pruned down to two apple-lings so as to not break the young branches. The Dry Creek pippin blossoms did not successfully make apples this year, but I am encouraged by the fact it flowered at all. I am also encouraged by the early transparent apple leafing up so nicely after it was so ravaged by the rust last year.

Found a second wild grape vine, if I find another (quite possible under the mess of honeysuckle + whatever else still out there), I think I'll try to transplant it to the bare gazebo frame on my porch. Has anyone had experience transplanting wild grapes/muscadines?
I had rabbits try to nest in my garden one year, I dealt with them by just neglecting to tell the family member in charge of managing the sprinkler system to turn it off in that area. They cleared out on their own after the nest started getting watered regularly. I don’t know if that’s practical or possible for your situation though. Good luck regardless!
I've thought about flooding them out, but they are only like 3 days old, they'd drown & I'd feel bad. Though I'll beg DH to pop them in the head with the bb gun & not feel bad. :lau

Got a lot done, up potted eggplant. Got yellow squash, tromboncino squash, spaghetti squash all sowed & covered with hardware cloth for the critters. Planted some free sunflower seeds someone sent. Got eeeeverything watered.

Took the soil temp, going to wait till next week to plant the melons & cukes. It was at 62*, light colored GreenStalks were at 64 & the black one 66. I'm running out of time to get everything done, have to get it all planted before vacation because I can't leave starts for DH to care for, they'll all be dead when I get home!

& I sprayed my garlic down with Repel All. Stupid squirrels - take that!
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Didn't do anything for my 'garden' today. Just cleaned out my gutters and disrupted an ant nest in the process (it's...been a while since i last cleaned the gutters...). Fun. Checked on the fruit trees, I'm a bit worried about the peaches. There's two left, the rest were duds, but one has one small area with slight 'wrinkles' on it :/ not sure what that means. The sheepnose apples got pruned down to two apple-lings so as to not break the young branches. The Dry Creek pippin blossoms did not successfully make apples this year, but I am encouraged by the fact it flowered at all. I am also encouraged by the early transparent apple leafing up so nicely after it was so ravaged by the rust last year.

Found a second wild grape vine, if I find another (quite possible under the mess of honeysuckle + whatever else still out there), I think I'll try to transplant it to the bare gazebo frame on my porch. Has anyone had experience transplanting wild grapes/muscadines?
You can have all the wild grapevines you want, come and get'em. They grow on my chain link fence.

Also, help yourself to honeysuckle, wisteria, Virginia Creeper, and privet.

(why I need goats) ;)
Big day in the garden.
All the pots and beds are filled up.
We have
Zuchinni? Squash, pickles, potatos, broccoli, carrots, jalapeños, beans, peas, onions, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, basil, thyme, peppermint, dill and of course a bunch of colorful flowers 💐


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