What did you do in the garden today?

We never got the rain today. All we got was clouds and thunder. I did get a little over half the big garden paths weed whacked. The string spools ran out so I need to wrap them all. I put up bamboo stakes in the pinto beans. The plan is to mow the front yard and old chicken yard tomorrow. Maybe, fingers crossed finish the weed whacking. It’s supposed to be less humid tomorrow.
I have heard of people breading and frying squash blossoms
Stuffed with ricotta & parm & fried - oh yum!
None of that worked here, at ALL.
I have 8 traps up, they work a charm.
I love my trap, works like a charm. Sorry to kill any bees, but they are so destructive they made swiss cheese of my coop.
We never got the rain today. All we got was clouds and thunder. I did get a little over half the big garden paths weed whacked. The string spools ran out so I need to wrap them all. I put up bamboo stakes in the pinto beans. The plan is to mow the front yard and old chicken yard tomorrow. Maybe, fingers crossed finish the weed whacking. It’s supposed to be less humid tomorrow.
I'm surprised you didn't get any! I got almost an inch in about an hour. Some thunder too. Was happy to not have to water.

God some soil acidifier on the strawberries, I just did 1 row to make sure I don't kill them all, will do the rest soon.
Finally got my 2 mandevilla planted. Picked them up off the clearance rack at Lowes for $1, along with a hibiscus. I really want to pick up another blueberry but I'm trying to pace myself... 😂 There will be time in June for that! 😉

Changed my mind on where I want to put the freeze dryer. I think I want to put it in the corner of my dining room. Will go looking through some flea markets on Saturday to see if I can find a stand to put it on. Preferably one with a cabinet or drawer underneath.

All this rain is contributing to monster weeds in my garden. I badly need to weed inside the hoop house. I took some metal supports out there tonight for the broccoli. It's so enormous and heavy that it won't stand up. The leaves are as big as paddle fans! Yet it doesn't have a single floret on it yet... So who knows if it'll actually produce anything. Maybe the soil has too much nitrogen in that area?
Finally got my 2 mandevilla planted. Picked them up off the clearance rack at Lowes for $1, along with a hibiscus. I really want to pick up another blueberry but I'm trying to pace myself... 😂 There will be time in June for that! 😉

Changed my mind on where I want to put the freeze dryer. I think I want to put it in the corner of my dining room. Will go looking through some flea markets on Saturday to see if I can find a stand to put it on. Preferably one with a cabinet or drawer underneath.

All this rain is contributing to monster weeds in my garden. I badly need to weed inside the hoop house. I took some metal supports out there tonight for the broccoli. It's so enormous and heavy that it won't stand up. The leaves are as big as paddle fans! Yet it doesn't have a single floret on it yet... So who knows if it'll actually produce anything. Maybe the soil has too much nitrogen in that area?
I'm using a heavy duty, all wood sofa end table with a cabinet underneath, which is great for the oil supplies.
I made 5 trays of cereal bars yesterday. Banner! Delish. Gave a bag to @BlueShadow today.
The last of my drip irrigation system arrived today. Well, almost all of it.

This morning I decided to get a watering timer. It's very basic, just an analog timer, similar to an egg timer. Twist the dial to set the watering time and it shuts itself off when the timer hits zero. It will be here tomorrow.

We’re having teaser thunderstorms now. Every time we think it’s ok to go outside and do some work we get rumbles of thunder. Wah!
We get rolling thunder with the temperature changes. If I see lightning at all though I am running into the house or a chicken coop. I've been within 50 feet of 2 direct strikes...that's as close as I ever wanna get. So bright, loud, explosive & I practically jumped out of my skin. I was unscathed though, other than the nervous breakdown factor, lol. The 2 trees didn't fare out so well.

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