What did you do in the garden today?

I haven't tried the smaller ones. Didn't even know about them...

It's just disappointing to spend so much money on bulbs, invest in good soil, raised beds for good drainage, and STILL have them rot in the ground just 2 months later. šŸ¤¬
Look online or locally for a pack of seeds. They come up and bloom quickly. They will make small tubors which you can dig and save if you grow one you really like. I really like the collarette type. Most of these show 2 colors on each bloom. The solid colors are beautiful too.

Sorry yours rotted. That is so disappointing when we try so hard to do our best and still have problems. I think we've all been there. I know I have.
We had a strong storm move in last night and some plants got knocked over. Iā€™m sure they will right themselves?
I could eat all the baby cucumbers bc they are so sweet and good !šŸ˜Š
When the eggplant is ready, will the stem die, easy to pick? These are supposed to be the Japenese string variety.
Chickens spent their last night in the brooding box! We will use later for baby chicks, hopefully, from these chickens!


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Yesterday it got rather hot and humid. I watered the garden and all the recently planted flowers. I also picked more blueberries. I've picked a couple quarts so far and lots more green berries yet to ripen. Looks like we will have a good blueberry year. :fl

Came in to cool off and found a tick crawling on me! Yikes! Nasty little blood sucker met his death by fire!
I had Rocky Mt Spotted Fever several years ago. I was so sick. Do not want a repeat of that or any of the other stuff ticks can carry.

Today will be in the 90s. Not much gardening today. Will pay some bills and catch up laundry. Boring stuff!
When the eggplant is ready, will the stem die, easy to pick?

Pick them at a size you like to eat and the plant will make more. If they get overly ripe they are not as tasty and the seeds will be larger.

If the plants start making lots of seed they generally stop flowering as much and sometimes die. If you keep picking they keep flowering to make fruit. Then you have lots of eggplant.
Pick them at a size you like to eat and the plant will make more. If they get overly ripe they are not as tasty and the seeds will be larger.

If the plants start making lots of seed they generally stop flowering as much and sometimes die. If you keep picking they keep flowering to make fruit. Then you have lots of eggplant.
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Weā€™ve used this and it seems to work. Raccoons have never touched this. Just sprinkle in their holes. Replace after rain. We bought ours at Walmart.
I used this one before. Because it wouldn't affect hawks and owls, it's the first poison I tried. Unfortunately, while coons were not interested in it, it didn't kill the voles. So I had to switch to the first generation of mouse poison. It works better but coons love it much better than voles!

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