What did YOU do with your leftover pie?


11 Years
Feb 13, 2008
Mine, it got gobbled down by my gratefull flock of free range PQ bantams. The show pens got some too, don't worry!


I knew someone would say that! LOL!!!! you should have seen hubby's face when i headed for the door with it. He KNEW where it was going, and I told him he was not allowed out until the Girls were dne thier pumpkin treat. I did not want to see him fighting the chooks for it.
We all love our pet chickens dearly here, but it would be grounds for divorce if any pie got fed to them for any reason. There is NO SUCH thing as Leftover Pie. There is "pie I am saving for my lunch tomorrow, touch it and die", and "pie I am going to reward myself with when I finish all these dishes". Never heard of this "leftover pie".
My dumb elderly dog got to mine before I got out with it. Teach me to put it on top of the washer wrapped in a baggy she could grab and pull down and make a mess on my laundry room floor as I'm upstairs finding socks for me and my 3 year old...
I don't have any pie but I have Moose tracks ice cream and a double chocolate cookie and some hot fudge if you like?
Having neither pie nor rice milk ice cream, I ate a bag of rice crispy candy that was being saved for my trip tomorrow. I still want pie, but not as bad. I try not to eat much the day before flying.
WHAT leftover pie?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? MY pies are reknown throughout the county!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piece of advice: NEVER leave a milk-based pie A N Y W H E R E around a cat!!!!!!!!!!

stupidbird I make: cherry, apple, lemon merangue, coconut cream and pumpkin/sweet potatoe PIES!!!!! ...come visit...

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