What did you get in your Holderread goose assortment?


Prefers Frozen Tail Feathers
12 Years
May 7, 2007
I have geese coming from Holderreads in a few weeks. I ordered an assortment which basically means I have no clue what I am getting. If you have gotten any of these assortments, what did you get? Pics?
Which assortment? I'm going to guess the cheap assortment which is what is left after ALL OTHER orders are filled. If you are lucky you can get some really rare geese that no one ordered because they weren't listed and at worst you will get good healthy geese that you can brag about being Holderread stock even if they are common. The price was right.
Exhibition Gosling Assortment
This is the first gosling assortment made up on hatch day after orders for specific breeds have been filled. May include any APA recognized breed from our Top Show Quality matings: Brown African, Brown Chinese, Embden, Gray Saddleback Pomeranian, White Tufted Roman, White Sebastopol, and Gray Toulouse

Fancy Gosling Assortment
A fascinating collection that may include any of the breeds we raise--including some of the extremely rare ones.

Bargain Gosling Assortment
Includes any grade A goslings remaining after all other assortment orders have been filled.

here is the 3 assortments which one did you order?
African, Brown Giant Dewlap (Top Show Quality Only)
African, Buff Giant Dewlap (Top Show Quality Only)
American, assorted colors
American Blue
American Lavender Ice i have been drooling over the blue and lavender anyone have ppics of them?
Chinese, Brown
Embden, Giant White (Top Show Quality Only)
Pomeranian, Gray Saddleback
Roman, White Tufted
Shetland, Auto-sexing
Toulouse, Giant Dewlap Gray* (Top Show Quality Only)

Exhibition Gosling Assortment (Top Show Quality APA recognized breeds)
Show Quality Gosling Assortment (Top Show Quality APA/non-APA recognized breeds)
Fancy Gosling Assortment 14.00 13.00 12.50 --- --- ---
Bargain Gosling Assortment 9.00 (Limit 4 Per Customer)

this page on wesite shows 4 assortments ????
I know I can get anything. Just wanting to hear from people who had actually gotten an assortment.
I thought Dave Holderread sold out his Sebastopols.

Probably did, this same wording has appeared in his catalog for years there was a note at the bottom of the page(on the website) that he thought the toulouse and pomeranian were sold out but was taking names incase they produced more than expected.
I got a bargain assortment a few weeks back. Got 2 lavender ice americans and 2 blue americans (hoping for pairs??) and my bonus was I think an embden...
Oh, they do still have some sebs. I almost bought a pair of goslings. They only sell assorted colors which I guess includes white. Have yours arrived yet??????

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