What did you have for dinner today?

Outback Steakhouse: 6 oz steak and shrimp, small tomatoes with basil, a couple of snow peas from my husband's plate, and a few forkfuls of garlic mashed potatoes. I saved some of the steak and most of the potatoes for tomorrow's lunch. This was a cheer me up meal since I lost a bunch of eggs to a bad homemade incubator, then from the living eggs I accidentally killed one.
We had breakfast for supper. I make a dish like one of the Denny's skillet meals.
Brown some hash browns with onion, home-grown red peppers, garlic;
Mix & brown JD italian sausage & 1 lb hamburger;
Frozen corn
Fried or scrambled eggs

When everything has been cooked--mix it together to suit yourself, season & chow down!
Only everyone's favorite tuna noodle casserole.
Cottage cheese with pears, it was just me and my daughter tonight. Last night we had halibut and scallops wrapped in bacon! Yum!! Sad thing is that was the last of the halibut my husband caught, bummer!! It's just me and the hubby now and I'm having a hard time cooking for two, I've never been able to cook small, I'm just like my Mom! My daughter went back to school tonight and she raided the pantry, I don't know how to shop small either, my husband says were food hoarders!!
Since it was weekend, I stuffed the smoker full of chicken leg quarters and an entire xl pork loin. This will be sliced up for lunchmeat and frozen. But for supper, we just pulled it off the grills, stuck a knife on the cutting board, and everyone just loaded plates of meat. Bread, tomatoes and cucumbers were an available option.
i will either throw some country pork ribs in the slow cooker or make pizza dough in the the bread machine before i lug my daughters off to dance. My weekdays are pretty busy between picking kids up from tutoring, dance and boy scouts...
Chili with spagetti is good too!

Had pancakes and bacon for supper last night! It was goooooood!

Tonight, I am making beef and chicken fatitas. Now if someone can tell me how to make some "refried beans" with my VanCamp pork and beans, I would love to hear about it. I have a masher or food processor but what are the ingredients?

Tomorrow, I may make chili from Bush's Chili Maker with left over beef and chicken fatitas if there is any.

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