What did you name your Rooster?

I have only had chickens for 7 years. My first rooster was Bennie... get it... Bennie and the Hens.
He passes away last winter so I got a new rooster this summer, his name is Colonel because I happened to be eating KFC when the Greenhouse called me to say I could have one of their roosters (they had too many).
We have an OEGB cockerel called Fox who is adorably gorgeous and such a good boy, tidbitting for the girls like a pro and generally respecting them. Then we have a large breed cockerel called Bikkie who is a dork and will make the noise for tidbitting, while he stuffs his face with as much food as he possibly can. 🙄 He's always trying to get the girls to nest as far away from the coop as possible too. Fox is in charge at present (Bikkie is slightly younger). They get along well so hopefully that will continue.
Right now, a few of my current roosters are named Jack, Rory, Flash, Lazarus, Natasha, Jozef, and Abyss.
Past roosters I have had include Chena, Popper, Pebbles, Bubbles, Topaz, Sgt. Pepper, Conflagration, Glurk, Clyde, Kari, Furian, Riley, Tank, Java, and Carey, though I admittedly can't recall even close to all of them off the top of my head.
This is RooPaul

He is much bigger now, and recently started crowing :)

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