What did you name your Rooster?

This was my first rooster, originally named Lisa actually. Then Jinx, but I decided I didn’t like that, so I changed it to Napoleon. It fit him perfectly! He was small but fierce, 7 1/2 pounds but would attack hawks, winning every time.
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After Napoleon passed this summer, I got Uriah. He was named something else by his first owners but I had picked out the name Uriah for my next rooster so I changed it. Uriah means “Light of God” and it is also the name of one of my favorite characters from the Divergent series (I usually choose names based on characters from books)
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Love your sig!
Is that an austrolorp?
We currently have Captain Cluck, Hay Boy, and Spotty. Captain Cluck is a white leghorn, Hay Boy is a white leghorn buff Orpington cross, and Spotty is a white leghorn silver laced Wyandotte cross. Captain Cluck is Hay Boy and Spotty’s father.
We've had lots over the years, here's our first rooster we ever had, Kernel (or Colonel?) Corn. Was named when we got him, he was a beautiful golden sebright bantam.

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This was Cluck Norris, a big buff orpington

CluckNorris1.JPG CluckNorris2.JPG

This was some sort of bantam named Clark


A big speckled sussex I named Rocky


Easter egger bantam named Lenny

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A white faced black spanish that came as a surprise chick from the hatchery, named Simone

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And currently, a mille fleur d'uccle bantam named Father Time, was also named when I got him but I think it fits him :)

IMG_2411.JPG Fathertime (14).JPG Fathertime (16).JPG
Love your sig!
Is that an austrolorp?
Thank you!

He is actually a marans Cochin cross, but some people think he looks like an orpington. I don’t officially know his background and breeding because the lady was more of a hobby farmer, nothing fancy. I did see his mom (definitely a marans) and the brother of his dad (definitely a Cochin) so I guess that’s what he is!
We've had lots over the years, here's our first rooster we ever had, Kernel (or Colonel?) Corn. Was named when we got him, he was a beautiful golden sebright bantam.

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This was Cluck Norris, a big buff orpington

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This was some sort of bantam named Clark

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A big speckled sussex I named Rocky

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Easter egger bantam named Lenny

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A white faced black spanish that came as a surprise chick from the hatchery, named Simone

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And currently, a mille fleur d'uccle bantam named Father Time, was also named when I got him but I think it fits him :)

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Clark is a Dutch bantam.
Is he full grown? What a little peep! Piper? Flipping Pippin, Little Rock? LOL he is adorable is that a barred rock or Dominque?
He's 9 weeks old now. He was 6 weeks when the picture was taken.

He's a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock.

Interesting name suggestions.

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