What did your chickens do today?

Today we cleaned out the coop. Which is interesting all by itself! lol So when we were finished along came a thunderstorm. Now the chicken coop has a leak in one corner. More like rain coming in the hardware cloth. So they have this nice big coop that has been cleaned and the chickens split into another coop so what do they do? I think they decided after all that work they wanted a shower! They were all over there preening and holding their wings up one at a time just like they were going to soap the armpits! It was hilarious and they seemed to quite enjoy it. :D
Whoa! Is your hen bragging, or resting and thinking she never wants to lay another egg again!
I wondered that, too! Do hens lay bigger eggs as they get older? Do they lay bigger ones but not as often? All normal size larges today! DH said he thought he heard her say, "ouch"!

Fairly frequently our ladies give us a double yolk. They are huge. I have wondered if it would hatch twins, if one chick would absorb both yolks (Chickzilla), if one yolk just wouldn't do anything, or if it would hatch at all. Maybe one day I will try one and see.
Good questions! Let us know if you ever hatch twins! That would be AWESOME!! Thing One and Thing Two from Dr. Seuss! (Although they weren't chickens...!!)
Going to look at that right now!

10 min later: I watched one and it was totally AMAZING! She helped them out of the egg. They were so squished up inside!

Whoah, that sounds very cool! Did you happen to get vid? :-D

Last night husband and I took our baby boy quadding to the dug out so the doggies could swim (omg it was 30 yesterday)... When we came back we putted over to the coop to 'check on' (moreso watch lol) the chickens. I started crowing and the one black Ameraucana mix, the dominate roo (I have three), he started crowing back. He got right ****** off about it too, holy hell were we laughing. I made tom turkey noises too and that equally ****** him off. He chased his girls into the coop and was flapping around with his chest puffed up, crowing like crazy.

considering how he behaves already at the ripe age of 17 weeks, I probably shouldn't poke the bear LOL. Couldn't help myself though.

I wanted to keep him but he's pretty bossy with the girls, I don't particularly like it.
My 4 week old chicks went out to the coop late today, since we were so busy. We don't like to leave them out in the coop while we are not home, as we still need to make finishing touches on the locks for our coop. They pecked and scratched at the dirt, and when we let them out of the coop, they exercised their wings. They are so fun to watch when they try to fly. I just wish we had bugs in our dirt. Our dirt is so dry, I just don't see any bugs at all for them to eat. I need to create good soil so that bugs will want to migrate to it, so our chicks will have something good to eat.

I did that...got some grass sod and laid it in an area then piled compost on it...they love it there...or under a tree, the leaves and shade create lots of goodies and then keep it wet!
One of my hens has become an escape artist. She has somehow learned to get out of the run and then she heads to the barn. Just now I went out to check on them and found her sitting in one of the infirmary cages with a look that said "What took you so long?" Ordinarily I would find it cute but there have been hawks circling overhead for the past few days so I have to keep going out to make sure my chickens are safe.

Another hen has gone broody so it looks like I may have chicks in my future...
When I went to let them out of the coop this morning a little bit of the bedding in one of the nest boxes was kicked out. They've all been roosting every night even with the nest boxes in there and it doesn't look like any of them slept in it so it seems someone is exploring the boxes a little and knows they are there. Up until this point I've never seen anyone in or near them and have been worried they were too high, but I have a little roost bar on the front of the boxes just as high as their lowest sleeping roost bar so it should be ok for them to get to. All my girls are getting close to laying, 19 weeks. My BSL has a particularly large red comb and wattles compared to the others so I think she'll be first. I hope it was her exploring where she's going to cop a squat.

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