What did your chickens do today?

I have about 6 or 7 cockerels, I have 4 rir cockerels and 2 or 3 Silkies X Nankin bantam cockerels, they started to kicking the gray squirrel's butts now. if they ever seen the squirrels going near their land or breads then they will run to them and kick. its funny to watch them doing that.
My chicks are about 3-4 days old and today I worked on taming them. My little blue andalusian named Goosey is proving to be a handful, she keeps standing up really tall and darting around. Doesn't seem to like being held but likes to crawl up on my arm or shoulder, once there she settles down. First time she got up on my shoulder I said "don't you poop on me" and the little bugger pooped on me seconds later.
My EE Maple is becoming my favorite, she is all fluff and so quiet she doesn't squirm when picked up, is a heavy eater and snuggles close to me when in my lap, such a good little girl! My BO, Pumpkin is another quiet docile chick who I think will be really tame, then there is my columbian wyandotte Daloris, she is so insecure! She cries loudly when I put her in my lap, won't take food from my hand and always places her back against something (any tips on how to get her out of her shell would be appreciated) My BR roo Reptar seems chill, he cried some when held but then fell asleep in my hand after some petting. My minorca Ophelia seems a little jumpy but calms down after a few moments in my lap, and my black australorp Dutchess doesn't fuss when being handled. Lastly there is my BLR wyandotte, I don't know if it's male or female (at what age can I tell?) it's a bit fussy, shies away from my hand when i try to pet it but doesn't seem to mind being hand fed. But that was today's adventures including the strawberry wars, one will grab a piece then run circles until it can get it swallowed before another greedy beak can snatch it away, they're so much fun to watch!
My chicks are getting pretty. Tomorrow morning is adoption day so they want to look there best.LOL Moving isn't easy on anyone,however they have a condo. A maid,a cook and a new mommy that cannot wait to spend time with them.Pic's to come soon.
The ladies, entertained my bf, all morning, lol, he came home at 8 am and said he was going to bbq pork ribs, oh and "let the ladies run around", lol I groggily replied, from my slumber, ok just keep an eye on them, he dutily retorted "what love, you think I can't even take care of three chickens, lol i got out of bed at about 11 to the smell of yummy yummy bbq, and looked out the sliding door, and saw him walking slowly around the yard trying to pick one up, haaa haaa !!! he'd take two steps bend down thinking he got her, then bam she'd put on the turbo and be ahead of him, peck peck scratch scratch, lol he later gave me a run down of the morning antics,

lol, uncle jim, was running around the yard, chasing birds away, aunt freddie couldn't figure out how to get back in the coop, so my bf had to catch her and show her\ how to jump up , haa haa all three kept getting too close to the bbq pit pecking at the wood and charcoal he has under it, , I told him we might be having grilled chicken later!! haa haa,we have a bug zapper that is constantly frying bugs, lol we got some of them and he fed them to the ladies, we sat and watched them peck peck and scratch scratch, the rest of the afternoon, till i had to put them up to go to work. They will probably do it all over again, tomorrow morning, as my bf is going to come home and bbq some beef ribs, and other beef stuff, lol today was pork day, he says tmrw is beef day, lol I tease him and say " when is it chicken day" lol he gives me the chicken stinkeye, lol, he is a big pushover when it comes to the ladies,

I tease him and say I dont need a rooster, the ladies have you, your the rooster that rules the roost, and those three lil chickadees rule the rooster : ) thats them a few weeks ago, and a more recent pic of them lounging on their coop. lol can anyone say Spoiled !!!


Don't worry, no chicks were harmed in the making of this photo
. This is a small kitten that loves to play with the chicks, but she won't really jump on them. She gets pecked pretty good
hahaha!!! THIS IS GREAT!!!!! Great photo's.
I just lost one of my chicks to one of my cats ( he was black as well ) no I'm going to say, just watch this relationship.LOL.
lol even my barred rocks can fly over my head! :p
LOL, Yeah, I do hope I don't have to trim their wings!

My girls had their third day of supervised work release and they worked their little hearts out foraging along the edge of the woods, turning oak leaves and scattering rotted wood to find their treats. On the first day of free range I set boundaries by waving a white towel in front of them when they reached a point beyond my comfort. The second day I had to use the towel less, and today they remained within three feet of the edge of the woods. We'll see how long it lasts.

The girls are approaching 9 weeks now and have been a wonderful addition to my life.
Nice photo's. ahh...I remember when my Red Sex-Links used to look like this.lol. ( sorry if that brown one isn't a Link )
I lost my hen Pecker Face today. She was sick when I got her a month ago. Hoped to nurse her back to health.
I am so sorry for your loss
..sometimes you just cant win with chickens!

Sorry I can't quote on every one's great stories and daily events and pictures!!!
Do keep them coming!

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