What did your chickens do today?

My 3 weeks old chicks have gone Pterodactyl and started eating small lizards. A few days ago, they started ganging up on big nightcrawler worms. It might take all 11 of them to get it out of the ground and it may be 6" long and squirming like a snake.....but every one of those babies gets her piece of yummy.
They're my clean-up crew.
No more worries about touching disgusting bugs when I bag leaves, or rake, or pick up fallen branches. My little girls eat them all.
one of my chicks played with her BFF, a black lab named Remington.. she likes to climb all over him and borrow into his fur
Oh my gosh, those are amazing. Lol.
We and our hens live on sister/BILs' property. Our hens are free range and love to hang out in BILs' large carport/RV storage/workshop.
They routinely dust bath under the RVs and work benches,coating everything in a fine layer of dust and grime.BIL is very patient with them.
The wind had blown a styrofoam lid of a large cooler down from the rafters and the chickens tore it to bazillions of tiny pieces and then consumed most of it. Only a few tiny pieces left behind alerted him to their dastardly deed. HMMMMM ... did I notice that they have a little more bounce in their steps? Or will they lay self- insulating eggs maybe?
GEESH. Acres of bugs and greens and they have to be destructive little buggers.
I have 6 red/americauna/buff orpington mixes. 4 are Roosters, and 2 are hens.Then I have 1 pure BO she is a sweetheart, but a bit skiddish, I named her Blondie. My other hen is an americauna/bo mix and she isn't as friendly. They are just enjoying pecking the ground, and chasing each other a little bit. I am keeping my sweet rooster, he is a bit smaller/ I think has more bo in him I think, and I am naming him Dagwood. The other 3 are getting mean. 2 of them
are being mean to the hens. So the 3 roo's are gonna be culled and soaked in buttermilk. They are all mean to our 2 very sweet little Black Cochin Bantams. I think they are both hens, and I have 1 English Game Rooster. He is so funny. He isn't afraid of anything, but yet still likes the other bantams but wants to hang out with the big boys. LOL I have to finish the bantam coop so I can separate them and give them some peace of not hiding under the big coop and sneaking out to eat and drink.
Aww... what cute pictures!

Our flock is still getting used to the merger. Our 3 year olds and 25 week olds runs were combined about a week ago. I opened the coops this morning and the roosters got to do their rooster thing with some of their favorites. Then they got to free range for the morning and follow me around the yard as I worked. I love how my older girls still think I'm their rooster and follow me around like I'm going to show them where all the treats are hidden
So they got to free range till the human kid got off the bus. Then they were bribed to go back to their runs with some BOSS. The little girls are still getting used to what the magical shaking bucket brings and sometimes forgets where the doors are so I'm still working with them on that. They are doing so well together and LOVE to be outside foraging for bugs in the grass. Wait till they find out they have 20 new brothers and sisters coming to join them in a 2 months
My week old chicks are outside for the first time. They love it. But my nine week olds don't like treats. They like clover and feed. No fruitz no veggies no bugs....sigh.. when will they start liking chickeny things?

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