What did your chickens do today?

My 2.5 week old chicks are in a brooder/rubbermaid tub...50 gallon. The light Brahma thinks she is hot stuff sitting on top of the chick food and water containers. They are sooo cute at this age.
Not sure what my chickens did today but I'm sure they had a grand ole time. I do know the neighbor kid came over and let them out to free range while no one was home. Guess its time to talk with the neighbor about their granddaughter. Not the first time this has happened.
My chickens spent the entire afternoon standing in the rain! Couldn't get them in or under the coop. First lightening strike and in they went. Then right back out. Silly meep meeps!
My 2.5 week old chicks are in a brooder/rubbermaid tub...50 gallon.  The light Brahma thinks she is hot stuff sitting on top of the chick food and water containers.  They are sooo cute at this age.  

My little Amber Star chicks do this too -_- I thought it was cute until I found myself cleaning out their water twice as often as usual!
I haven't tried it myself but I also heard hanging the feeders/waterers will stop them from jumping on them because it scares them when they swing.
Madonna our 13yr old Americana is still laying and gave us an egg a day for the past 3 DAYS...SHE'S AWESOME! LaLa and ChaCha our light Brahmas are still trying to figure out the laying thing, but they are improving at 7months, while Jessica is 7months Bardrock and lays daily. Betty, Boops and JamJam our 3yr olds Bardrock and Americana lay everyday. The weather has been beautiful, so running the acre and finding their favorite dirt for baths and shade is what they do best and Of course chasing the Crows and Birds from the feeders and seeds dropped is their favorite pastime. Love my Hens!

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