What did your chickens do today?

After letting everyone settle in the pen yesterday, my son, Jacob and I went out and sat down with my young flock. Jacob's been scared of trying to hand feed the chicks. Afraid the pecking is going to hurt.

Two of my Black Australorp boys were checking him out.
I'm just assuming these are cockrels by the cones, they're much more pronounced and darker than the rest.

The other feathered kids go for it!

Afterwards, Stevie watched all his little friends chow down.
That's funny. When I had my Rooster, Leo, he was a real control freak. He definitely made sure not girls were out of his view and he would round them up really quickly doing his wing dance and dragging and dancing them all the way back to his group. I miss him but the girls are all very happy he's not controlling their every move since he's gone. They are all so bossy anyways on their own...LOL
They are all so smart. Mine LOVE the dried meal worms. They run and fly as fast as they can when they hear that bag ...even if I am just carrying it...as soon as they hear me open the sliding glass door they are in route!
One of my Silkies (Willie) found his way out of her brood box over night and spent her night on the garage floor. Willie was VERY happy to see me and get some help getting back IN the box.
Minik, my little escape artist, has been hard it... She goes under, over, or through! When she escapes from one of the enclosed areas into the fenced backyard from which she cannot escape, she does a lot of damage really fast, running from spot to spot digging holes, uprooting plants, de-mulching plants, or covering sidewalks with dirt. The holes she creates are ankle breakers. She driving me nuts... I fix one spot she finds or creates another...

The two other girls are happily digging away in the range area designated for chickens!
Minik, my little escape artist, has been hard it... She goes under, over, or through! When she escapes from one of the enclosed areas into the fenced backyard from which she cannot escape, she does a lot of damage really fast, running from spot to spot digging holes, uprooting plants, de-mulching plants, or covering sidewalks with dirt. The holes she creates are ankle breakers. She driving me nuts... I fix one spot she finds or creates another...

The two other girls are happily digging away in the range area designated for chickens!

Oh my goodness that's funny. She sounds like a handful. She's certainly an explorer! Maybe she will eventually find herself a little safe haven and be happy to be in there. We took the top to one of those large plastic dog houses and tucked in in the back corner of the yard. One of the few spots we purposely let the grass stay tall around it. We've had a couple of hens that were very anti people and other animals. They loved their little dark spot away from everything. Until feeding time. hehehe
Minik, my little escape artist, has been hard it... She goes under, over, or through! When she escapes from one of the enclosed areas into the fenced backyard from which she cannot escape, she does a lot of damage really fast, running from spot to spot digging holes, uprooting plants, de-mulching plants, or covering sidewalks with dirt. The holes she creates are ankle breakers. She driving me nuts... I fix one spot she finds or creates another...

The two other girls are happily digging away in the range area designated for chickens!

Oh my goodness that's funny. She sounds like a handful. She's certainly an explorer! Maybe she will eventually find herself a little safe haven and be happy to be in there. We took the top to one of those large plastic dog houses and tucked in in the back corner of the yard. One of the few spots we purposely let the grass stay tall around it. We've had a couple of hens that were very anti people and other animals. They loved their little dark spot away from everything. Until feeding time. hehehe

That was a smart reuse! I love repurposing!

Minik is not the shy one, though: her goal is to examine every inch of soil for bugs, not hide! She is people oriented enough that I can walk right up and grab her, most times. Each of their 3 areas has natural shade, hiding places, as well as forage... She is just too clever, by far! I just discovered two days ago she was squeezing herself out through the hollow in a cement block! (she is the smallest of the three birds).
What is a bull snake?
Here is a good informational link about bull snakes. I don't think they will cohabit w/ chickens! lol

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