What did your chickens do today?

Well I was out putting some sprouting bulbs in the garden and managed to find a decent worm (sadly only one) so i took it in for the girls and one pigged out on the whole thing, the others all running after her to try and get some - she is a pig for sure!
Our weather has been horrible lately, lots of thunderstorms and tons of rain and my poor birds have been holed up in their coop too much {their choice, door's open}. I hated to let them out in their larger area because we're due for another huge storm any time now so I went in to hang out with them and used a left over long weed like a cat toy for them. They loved it, lol. The roo that is really into chasing it is Zorro, our beta roo.

Yesterday one of my hens was attacked by a roo and lost a lot of feathers, had a big cut in her head and bleed a bit. A good chunk of the day was spent cleaning and tending to wounds and making an area for her to rest separate from the other chicks. She has a sister that paced nervously outside her pen for hours on end so I let her in with the hurt hen and they've been keeping each other company. The healthy hen has no desire to hurt the other chick, she just sits near her and coos when I walk up. It was a rough day for chicks yesterday but today has been a bit easier and my little hen is dealing with me needing to clean her wounds and treat her. The sad part was that I have never heard a real pained cry from a chick before and it is heartbreaking.
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Today my Hens, recovering from intense heat eggs, layed these for me...including Madonna the 14yr old who laid her 4th egg under a work bench...so happy to see these eggs today! The heat really had them stressed..

Betty, Madonna, Jessica, ChaCha and LaLa
Last night, JamJam, 2yr old EE decided to perch in the young hens coop, 8month Light Brahmas and Plymouth Rocks. Not good! She's so mean. I had to let them out at 5:30a without her this morning as she was attacking all of them, She's such a freak! We had to get the fishing net to capture her out of that coop while she was screaming like we were killing her til she finally exhausted herself and put her on her own again. This time under the Magnolia tree all fenced in with a doggie carrier to sleep in. I don't know what I am going to do with that girl. All the other hens are so good without her. She's trouble in river city!

JamJam's new Coop area! She will stay out of trouble here!

Yesterday one of my hens was attacked by a roo and lost a lot of feathers, had a big cut in her head and bleed a bit. A good chunk of the day was spent cleaning and tending to wounds and making an area for her to rest separate from the other chicks. She has a sister that paced nervously outside her pen for hours on end so I let her in with the hurt hen and they've been keeping each other company. The healthy hen has no desire to hurt the other chick, she just sits near her and coos when I walk up. It was a rough day for chicks yesterday but today has been a bit easier and my little hen is dealing with me needing to clean her wounds and treat her. The sad part was that I have never heard a real pained cry from a chick before and it is heartbreaking.
That breaks my heart to see that kind of injury. I hope she heals up completely. Poor thing

Yesterday one of my hens was attacked by a roo and lost a lot of feathers, had a big cut in her head and bleed a bit. A good chunk of the day was spent cleaning and tending to wounds and making an area for her to rest separate from the other chicks. She has a sister that paced nervously outside her pen for hours on end so I let her in with the hurt hen and they've been keeping each other company. The healthy hen has no desire to hurt the other chick, she just sits near her and coos when I walk up. It was a rough day for chicks yesterday but today has been a bit easier and my little hen is dealing with me needing to clean her wounds and treat her. The sad part was that I have never heard a real pained cry from a chick before and it is heartbreaking.

Poor baby. I hate to see that she's been hurt. But she seems to have a great momma hen taking care of her.
The Fence is finished!
Chickens got their first chance to walk free in the yard and predictably the stood by the run and complained about being out of it then rushed past me into the coop as soon as I opened the door!

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