What did your chickens do today?

Today, one of my 8 week-old BO started pecking on my toes today. When I bent down to get closer to her, she lunged at my face and pulled my hair. Not nice :(

My girls had their third day of supervised work release and they worked their little hearts out foraging along the edge of the woods, turning oak leaves and scattering rotted wood to find their treats. On the first day of free range I set boundaries by waving a white towel in front of them when they reached a point beyond my comfort. The second day I had to use the towel less, and today they remained within three feet of the edge of the woods. We'll see how long it lasts.

The girls are approaching 9 weeks now and have been a wonderful addition to my life.
Nice pics!
My three grown girls were very bad today. They pooped on the babies.

We had a cold snap last night, down to freezing. The 5 wk. old chicks are in a grow-out pen in the coop. It has hardware cloth on the top and - above that - is the heat lamp. We've not had to use the lamp in a while but I turned it on last night because of the huge drop in temperature.

My big girls then decided to roost on the top of the pen and snuggle up to the lamp where it was warm. In doing so, they pooped all over the chicks! Actually, mostly on the hardware cloth and some went in the pen but it looks like the chicks were good at ducking.

Can you imagine having that hit you in the head while you're sleeping. UGH!
They spent their second day on an outdoor field trip. They prefer the shade, so I've pulled their impromptu pen all over the back yard. They are so cute.
Adventure Peep, our notoriously brave, friendly, and chatty Rhode Island Red hen, has been hard at work converting her Adventure Nest (conveniently located in the most inconvenient pile of deadfall on our property) into a laboratory. We're pretty sure that she's trying to become the first chicken on the moon, expecting to be propelled into space by exploding eggs... Just another day at Withywindle Farm!

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