What did your chickens do today?

And the count went up to 8 eggs in one day and the first day any of my chicks have laid eggs. They all came out awesome but the one by itself was the first so it's going to be kept :)

Awwww, they're beautiful, congratulations!! Your girls did a great job!
Just wait until your girls moult & the eggs get bigger!! That happens & it's amazing. We recently added 2 new girls to our flock & the only way we knew they'd started laying was because of the size difference in the eggs! They may be small, but they are still beautiful...and SO delicious!! Enjoy!!
My girls spent the day laughing at us as we tried to clean the garage. One of my teenagers spent her day on the nest making noise, but no first egg until I went out there this morning and found it in the corner on the floor. They also fought over the overripe blackberries from behind the garage that my son threw in there.
My Perma-broody hen Matilda finally gave up and came off the nest to enjoy this fabulous summer weather.
We haven't any roosters but she is always the optimist. Maybe next spring we'll get her some fertile eggs to hatch.
Our older hens will have probably stopped laying by then, so we'll need some new girls and maybe there will be a rooster hatch out too.
Well I watched a 15 minute game of keepaway when Wilma the SLW caught a mole in the run....It ended with her swallowing its by then very tenderized body whole.
Could've lived without seeing that but oh well. Oh and I've gotten 2 eggs so far.

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