What did your chickens do today?

Because of the heat, my chickens are just trying to stay cool. Except Mr. P, my India Blue Peacock. He's laying in the sun, on a wet spot where I had the sprinklers on. I, on the other hand have just come in to the house after 3 hrs of feeding, watering, putting ice jugs out around the yard, turning fans on and up, filling the "swimming tub" ( I think the turkeys are the only ones smart enough to stand in it, which is infinitely better than standing in the water bowl), putting ice chunks in the water bowls( which after an hr are already hot), putting tarps up to give them more shade and just generally worrying about them with this heat.It is currently 91 F with a Real Feel of 108.
the girls got some extra free range time today while I worked on their run. Then a little more practice with treat training. I have them almost coming to the run with just a short call. Still needed to shake the bag of mealworms to get them all the way in though.
After waiting patiently inside a tire, under the old Christmas tree in the barn our lil mama hatched out 8 babies today. One died , one is marginal but 6 are cheeping away ! So cute.
My 5 will be 5 weeks old Sunday. They have recently started sharpening their beaks on the bricks I have in their box that holds up their waterer. Interesting - I didn't know they did that!
One of our little roosters has startef to crow. He makes sure that he does it out in the middle of the woods so the big rooster does not see him. Today they had a crowing contest. Mr wonderful would crow then from the woods you could hear the little guy crow.
Wooohooo! One of my little girls laid her first egg and it's the first that I've gotten. It's small but perfect just like my hen :)

According to Wolfram that makes her just under 17 weeks old.

When it rains, it pours. I checked and found six more!
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One of my two leghorn hens layed her first egg! My Wyandotte and Buff orp roos decided to have a go at each other for about 20 minutes. The boss buff ended up with some cuts to his wattles and the Wyandatte came out injury free. But the buff still reigns!
And the count went up to 8 eggs in one day and the first day any of my chicks have laid eggs. They all came out awesome but the one by itself was the first so it's going to be kept :)


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