What did your chickens do today?

After I posted that, I found them out there again! Did just as much damage to everything else. I was fuming angry so I chased them then ran to Menards and got some snow fence. I also poured vinegar around the whole garden. Putting the fence up today...and I didn't let them out the free range. They are confined to the run today...
I'm so sorry! I have only salvaged "strawberries" because I put them in 1/2 barrels and fenced around them. When I took the fence down they had a festival and used it for dirt baths. There wasn't hardly enough room for the strawberries much less them flopping all inside it...LOL
2 of my girls laid their first eggs!

I suspect my RSL Lady and my huge single comb and wattles SLW Wilma as they were the only 2 to greet me in the coop today. They were both acting very jolly too as well they should! They're 18 1/2 weeks.

They look so perfect! I'm so proud of my girls!

Edit: They're the front 2 in my avatar though its a old picture. AND my EE Roo Sebastian crowed for the first time! I'm having a great day off!
2 of my girls laid their first eggs!

I suspect my RSL Lady and my huge single comb and wattles SLW Wilma as they were the only 2 to greet me in the coop today. They were both acting very jolly too as well they should! They're 18 1/2 weeks.

They look so perfect! I'm so proud of my girls!

Edit: They're the front 2 in my avatar though its a old picture. AND my EE Roo Sebastian crowed for the first time! I'm having a great day off!

Beautiful! I'm very jealous! Mine are 19.5 weeks.. Just waiting and waiting for those big brown eggs! Yours are perfect!
Mine discovered that they don't like cheerios. I cleaned my refrigerator out yesterday and didnt have greens to spare. Thought the cheerios might be an unusual treat. Now they are just spread all over their run. Oh well, I suppose I can compost cheerios. lol

Gave them some scrambled eggs and a some fresh lettuce from the garden to make up for it.

What they didnt do today? Lay an egg! Trying to wait patiently.
I like Teddy!
Thanks. Teddy is a great roo. He went from the most shy chick that I have to king roo over night and he just knew all the things he needed to do. When he was little you couldn't catch him, he'd run into corners, hide from you and generally not want to be see or touched. Now he is the first chicken I see every time I go tend to them. I wish I had more like him.
Thanks. Teddy is a great roo. He went from the most shy chick that I have to king roo over night and he just knew all the things he needed to do. When he was little you couldn't catch him, he'd run into corners, hide from you and generally not want to be see or touched. Now he is the first chicken I see every time I go tend to them. I wish I had more like him.
I love that! I have one that comes to her name, LaLa..super friendly..Hen not Rooster
Lol man chickens know what's good! I Put a row of blueberry bushes in half barrels. One chicken climbs the chain link (yes! Flapped wings and ran up the side lol) and one fat hen dug underneath! Between the two they wiped out all 4 bushes of berries in a morning...1 morning! Months of growing & waiting and tending and PROTECTING for 2 hens to gorge in about an hour. They pooped purple for 2 days! I think just to remind me lol
I'm so sorry! I have only salvaged "strawberries" because I put them in 1/2 barrels and fenced around them. When I took the fence down they had a festival and used it for dirt baths. There wasn't hardly enough room for the strawberries much less them flopping all inside it...LOL
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I walked into the run in the dark and one of my biggest roos charged out of the coop toward me. I stand up tall and said "Uh uh uh" and he slid to a stop, looked, realized it was me and then walked back into the coop. I don't know if he was being protective or aggressive but it looks like my training is paying off and I walked away without any pecks to my legs so that is a plus. lol

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