What did your chickens do today?

This afternoon I filled up the bottom of their water dish with ice cubes with a small amount of water and just let it melt away. They all gathered 'round to see what was going on, of course, and tried the COLD water. Decided they liked it so clucked around until everyone was gathered about the water and they all cooled down a little.

Then Mr. Roo flipped an ice cube out onto the ground and starting pecking at it! It was funny!
It would slip away from him and he'd jump and peck again! Guess he thought it was alive! He finally gave up trying to get it in his mouth, so he went back to drinking the water.

I never have my camera when I need it.

Greenie was scratching at the bottom of her cage so I decided to put a bunch of dirt in there again. No sooner was it piled up than she took a dirt bath. She kind of looked up at me (upside down at this time!) as if to say "thank you."
Of course lots of the dirt ended up in her ice-cubed water dish but she did enjoy her bath!
A number of my roos have accepted me as the boss and they do cute things like vie for my attention and get jealous if I petted one but not another. I also had a couple roos that looked at me the wrong way and my king roo, Teddy, would run up and push them away instead of letting them get close to me and possibly peck at me. Teddy runs at the other roos like a football player and tackles them if they get close to me.


The girl that has no name. Probably the sweetest hen in the group.
I named my girl that looks like that CinnaBun. She has a little more white than yours but she reminds me of cinnamon sugar. :)
I named my girl that looks like that CinnaBun. She has a little more white than yours but she reminds me of cinnamon sugar. :)
That's a cool name. Now I'm hungry lol. Yesterday I let her free range while I worked around the coop and barn and she looked all over for me. When she spotted me she ran up to be by my side.
Pigpen misplaced Lucy and came to the door crowing like a nut and it took us a few seconds to notice Lucy wasn't anywhere so we went around the house with him following and cluck clucking until we found her sleeping under a bush. It was kind of cute. I bet Pig felt like a butt for losing his woman though :/
I have 8 ri red / jersey giant breed(bout 16 weeks) . Tonight while putting them to bed one of my hens was missing it was bout 9pm and dark looked all around yard for her but found nothing. When's back into pen and spotted her up in rafters??? She was panting as well can anyone tell me why she did this?? Is she getting ready to lay ??? New to chickens please reply
The lowest pullet in the pecking order bossed the Chihuahua to establish that she ranks before him.

The mighty hunter BO Sunny caught and devoured one of the enormous spiders I get around my house. You'd think I'd have less bugs with spiders this size.
A number of my roos have accepted me as the boss and they do cute things like vie for my attention and get jealous if I petted one but not another. I also had a couple roos that looked at me the wrong way and my king roo, Teddy, would run up and push them away instead of letting them get close to me and possibly peck at me. Teddy runs at the other roos like a football player and tackles them if they get close to me.


The girl that has no name. Probably the sweetest hen in the group.
I like Teddy!

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