What did your chickens do today?

My neurotic little Five let me pick her up, scoop her to my chest, and cuddle her a bit. The whole time she made this dorky little noise that sounded like a cross between a squeak toy and a goose.
Mama our buff Orpington has decided she likes to weed the garden with me! I loved it! Stayed within 6 inches from me unless my husband came over then she would walk away until he did the right back! She so sweet! Oh and last night I was feeding them yogurt mixed with layer crumble. She wouldnt eat from ground or bowl. She had to eat from the soup spoon lol spoiled Brat!
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In PA, we had horrible storms pass thru the area last night. I told the girls to expect them after midnight & battened down the hatches. When I got up with the increased wind (1am), everything was fine. At 3am's 1st crack of thunder and flashes of lightning, I was up and out again, making sure all was ok, though I didn't disturb the girls. At 6:30am, I sang to them as took them their breakfast & opened their chicken door. I was greeted with peeping from the babies and lots of talking from the older girls. Everyone scurried out into their chicken yard and ate like they'd been starved. I was surrounded by 6 happy girls, faces down & tails up. When I pulled down the driveway after work, I was greeted with pacing and talking. After feeding them their dinner, I was climbed upon like a human jungle gym and cuddled by my babies and 2 of my older girls. The others just watched & sat close by, telling me all about their day. One of the older girls decided long ago to be a shoulder chicken & one decided to be a lap chicken. The babies saw that & learned by example. If only my shoulders were broader, I could fit more chickens on!!

No matter how my day goes, it's not complete until I sit with my girls inside their spacious Barred Rock Inn. There's nothing quite like having your arm over a sleepy chicken on your shoulder, who's cuddling you, eyes closed, beak resting against your nose as she floats off to dream land. Tends to make all ''right with the world!"

That's what my chickens did today!

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