What did your chickies eat this morning? :p


9 Years
Jan 3, 2011
Stone Mountain
Carrot, Granny Smith Apple, Kale, cellentro, grapes, blackberry,celery, starfruit ,mango...

*I just borrowed somebody's juicer to try out (and for the record, I hated it ... the juice) and it left all the pulp .. Those chicken went crazy over it :)
Mine had oatmeal and bananas, I know it sounds a little binding but they are going to get some turnip greens later after it stops raining! I didn't think you suppose to feed chickens grapes?
Carrot, Granny Smith Apple, Kale, cellentro,  grapes, blackberry,celery, starfruit ,mango...

*I just borrowed somebody's juicer to try out (and for the record, I hated it ... the juice) and it left all the pulp ..  Those chicken went crazy over it :)

I bet they did, I'd be lucky if I made it with one foot through the door before they attacked. Lol. My girls enjoyed a cantaloupe half with breakfast.
-feed, worms from the lawn, grapes, and a bit of crumbled honey and sunflower bread crust. They're foraging the lawn for green stuff at present! (....yep. Everything is still green in Texas. -still waiting for fall to arrive.
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Corn on the cob, pineapple, grapes and wild bird seed sprinkled in the coop. It's snowing so they're cooped up for the day. I let them out just to see what they'd do (first time seeing snow) and they made one loop around the run and headed straight back inside! Very heavy wet snow too :(

Why are we not supposed to feed them grapes? It's the hands-down favourite in my flock.

-didn't know that grapes were off limits. My birds love them, too!
Snow - WOW!!!! It was 86 here, today..... Snow sounds nice. -really nice. (native Texan, here, that is ready to move to the Rocky Mountains
-didn't know that grapes were off limits. My birds love them, too!
Snow - WOW!!!! It was 86 here, today..... Snow sounds nice. -really nice. (native Texan, here, that is ready to move to the Rocky Mountains
-2C right now, wind is blowing and it's getting chilly! I can't wait for the sun to come out. I'm not picky about temperature right now, but some sun would be great!!!
Our chickens had their regular flock raiser this morning as provided 24-7. This afternoon they had a treat of green beans. This evening they had a few handful's of scratch grains. They free ranged most of the day as well so they all had huge crops come roost time tonight!
Corn on the cob, pineapple, grapes and wild bird seed sprinkled in the coop. It's snowing so they're cooped up for the day. I let them out just to see what they'd do (first time seeing snow) and they made one loop around the run and headed straight back inside! Very heavy wet snow too :(

Why are we not supposed to feed them grapes? It's the hands-down favourite in my flock.

I don't think it hurts anything to feed chickens grapes. I feed them to mine all the time. Not had a single chickens get sick or die yet. I do however cut grapes into fourths to make it easier for them to eat. Chickens always seem to know what they can and cannot eat. I've observed them many times while out free ranging eating certain grass, weeds etc and bypassing other types of grass and weeds.

Here is an interesting Chicken Treat Chart if you have not seen it yet.


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