What do all you other pheasant freaks have in your bators??


12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
Just seeing what my fellow addicts have in your bators? Here is what I have currently....

Cabinet Bator:

Silver Bobwhite eggs
Snowflake Bobwhite eggs
Reeves Pheasant eggs
Buff/Red Buff Ringneck eggs
Lavender Turkey eggs
Crested Duck eggs
Cinnamon Splash Golden pheasant eggs
Yellow Splash Golden pheasant eggs


Emu eggs

I also will have some really nice yellow legged Red Golden eggs coming this week along with some lighter Yellow golden pheasant eggs to add to my yellow splash and peach breeding. I just sold my Buff/Red Buff Ringneck producing flock to Justin Miller of this forum thursday...so the pen feels pretty empty. Not everything in the bators is staying here, I sell alot of what I hatch....but the ornamental pheasant chicks will all be staying except the Reeves....The crested duck will be sold....and a few of the Lav turk.

What do you all have cookin in the bator??
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I have impeyans,grey peacock,temminicks,lewis silers,amherst,black ringnecks,swinhoes,and bobwhites.I also have swinhoe,temminicks and grey peacock setting on their own eggs.
In N.H.,Tony.
Cabinet incubator has Ringneck, black ringneck, Coturnix, 2 types of ducks (domestic). Regular Chukars, White Chukars, Albono Chulkars, Bantam chickens, Bobwhite, and Jombo bobwhites. got a few others too.. but don't remember everything
I've got:
red golden
lady amherst
royal palm
Jb brown coturnix
blue scaled
white bobwhite
tenn. reds
mexican spec.
black oegb's
call duck
wood duck.
And soon I'll be getting a order of reeves eggs in.
that reminds me that I have 3 Tennessee red bob eggs in there too.. I'd be better off taking pics and letting you all guess what they are

did I ever tell you all I'd hatch anything??
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Sounds like everyone is on the same track of having a good assortment of everything in their bators. Tony keep me posted on your IMP hatch!!

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