what do I do with one baby chick?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 21, 2008
I have 2 full grown Ameraucanas, and one Old English Game Bantam pullet. Just acquired one 4 week old OEGB, my reasoning was to keep the bantam pullet company. I guess I thought this would go a little better, but the chick has completely bonded with me and is clearly terrified of the others. When I leave, she cries bloody murder. The other hens don't really hurt her, they are indifferent or give her a little peck if she tries to get near. She cries all by herself until I come out. Then she's climbing up my shoe and will claw her way up to my shoulder if I let her. I have to go to work tomorrow. Is it okay to leave this girl alone? If I put her in her own cage inside the yard with the others, she gets frantic to get out. More loud crying. But I don't feel like the flock will defend her from predators, since she isn't really part of it yet, or they might even chase her off. The cage makes me feel better, but makes her miserable enough to run up and down the front of it crying for hours. What do I do? I really wasn't supposed to just get one chick, was I? Is there any way to make this work without adding more or subtracting the one? Thanks.
I'd just keep her by herself until shes a little older. You could always get another chick, and in a few weeks, put them together, and see if that helps. I've never had that problem, but the older chickens could possibly hurt her if shes not close in size. I hope this helps, maybe someone else can churp in with better advise. But, thats what I would do.
that is so sweet that the chick bonded so good with you, I'm having the opposite problem. I think I got to many chicks at once and they want nothing to do with me.

So my advice would be to find at least one or two other chicks the same age, safety in numbers (ha ha).
Yeah, Gonzo. I think I'll just have to leave her in the cage in the yard, and let her put up a fuss. I know they aren't supposed to be isolated, it's totally against their nature, and it can mess them up -- phrases like "failure to thrive" come to mind. She will be so busy running from one end to the other that she'll forget to eat. I really screwed up, trying to add just one. But she can see the others, and they do come over to investigate the 8cage once in a while. It'll just have to be a loud and upset couple weeks.

Shelly: I've noticed that they do tend to ditch people when they have each other. Give them a LOT of treats by hand -- and they will soon come up to you any time you're in the yard.

We used to raise them like this on purpose at the Zoo - one at a time so they were friendly enough to enjoy meeting people. It worked for chickens, quail, guineas (even an emu!). Never had a problem with them learning to stay alone (obviously we couldn't have them near us 24/7;-). They'd stopped fussing and go about their business. Never tried to integrate them to a flock, though. I imagine they act "weird" to others of their kind, so I'd be careful until you have observed their interactions for a long time and on multiple occasions. If you just acquired her at 4 weeks old, it sounds like whoever raised your chick did a mighty fine job imprinting her - 4 weeks is past that imprinting window! Good luck with your new shadow...i mean chicken.
Your just going to have to keep her in her cage until she calms down and excepts her place in the flock. I completely understand that its hard to have to hear one of your feathered babies cry but it has to be done. Sooner or later she will calm down and will integrate into your flock. Just be strong and understand your doing whats best for her.

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