What Do I Treat Them All With?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
One of our four Silkie chicks may be sick but I'm not sure what s/he may be sick with. I can't separate them so I need to give them all the same thing in case it spread to them.
I brought Small Fry out to look her/him over as I noticed how s/he was acting.
Small Fry is 4-5 weeks old while the other three are 5-6 weeks old.

These are the signs that Small Fry was showing:
-White watery or gooey poop.
-Refusing to drink water.
-Refusing to eat.
(Normally makes a bunch of noise)

We have Corid so if I need to give some to them, I can.
Ever since I got them, I've been giving them chick booster in their water.

Here's a picture of Small Fry:

S/He is a Lavender Silkie.
Can you post photos of the poop?
Is this chick's crop full, empty?

Is the chick lethargic?
Can it walk on it's own?
Are you trying to make it drink or eat? How do you know it's refusing to eat/drink?

I would put it in a separate box for a little while with some heat on one side, make food/water available and just observe the chick.
Report back with your observations.
Can you post photos of the poop?
Is this chick's crop full, empty?

Is the chick lethargic?
Can it walk on it's own?
Are you trying to make it drink or eat? How do you know it's refusing to eat/drink?

I would put it in a separate box for a little while with some heat on one side, make food/water available and just observe the chick.
Report back with your observations.
The crop is in between full and empty.
Very lethargic.
Only walks to snuggle in between the other chicks.
I put both water and food near it but it refused to eat. I tried to at least get it to drink water but it won't.

We don't have any available boxes to use.

I just want to treat it for whatever sickness it has. What do I give it???
We have Corid so if I need to give some to them, I can.
Ever since I got them, I've been giving them chick booster in their water.
Stop with the chick booster as any supplement should only be given 10 days maximum.

At the stated age.. coccidiosis IS the mostly likely cause, and I would start the Corid right away... using the treatment dose in the waterer... but since you say they aren't drinking I would give a drench dose straight to the beak of any not actively eating or drinking. Do NOT supplement vitamins during treatment as the Corid works by mimicking thiamine to starve out and slow the growth of coccidia while the chick builds more of it's own resistance, so it would negate the purpose of treating.

Do they still have heat? Sometimes they can be a bit colder when under the weather. Make sure there is NO other source of water available. Are you feeding a chick starter? Even when people use medicated feed they may need to treat with Corid of conditions call for it. Being sure the water stays poo free as that in one way it spreads rapidly. Sometimes raising it can help. But also making sure the shavings are nice and dry... one time I discovered they were wetter underneath than they appeared on top! And with the chicks burying their faces sometimes when they sleep..

Now to be clear all chickens carry some coccidia... it is part of their environment.. and only an issue when it blooms out of control... usually in warm, humid conditions similar to that of a brooder. Maximizing the space they are in can help to minimize issues as well... without having asked already how much space you have them in... just making general recommendations.

How long have YOU had these chicks and where did they come from?\

If it isn't coccidiosis... the Corid will NOT hurt the chicks...

Hopefully small fry recovers quickly and other never waiver! :fl
Stop with the chick booster as any supplement should only be given 10 days maximum.

At the stated age.. coccidiosis IS the mostly likely cause, and I would start the Corid right away... using the treatment dose in the waterer... but since you say they aren't drinking I would give a drench dose straight to the beak of any not actively eating or drinking. Do NOT supplement vitamins during treatment as the Corid works by mimicking thiamine to starve out and slow the growth of coccidia while the chick builds more of it's own resistance, so it would negate the purpose of treating.

Do they still have heat? Sometimes they can be a bit colder when under the weather. Make sure there is NO other source of water available. Are you feeding a chick starter? Even when people use medicated feed they may need to treat with Corid of conditions call for it. Being sure the water stays poo free as that in one way it spreads rapidly. Sometimes raising it can help. But also making sure the shavings are nice and dry... one time I discovered they were wetter underneath than they appeared on top! And with the chicks burying their faces sometimes when they sleep..

Now to be clear all chickens carry some coccidia... it is part of their environment.. and only an issue when it blooms out of control... usually in warm, humid conditions similar to that of a brooder. Maximizing the space they are in can help to minimize issues as well... without having asked already how much space you have them in... just making general recommendations.

How long have YOU had these chicks and where did they come from?\

If it isn't coccidiosis... the Corid will NOT hurt the chicks...

Hopefully small fry recovers quickly and other never waiver! :fl
Alright, thanks! I'll go and give them it. And I already know the dosage amount.

We feed them an organic non-medicated feed from the Bar Ale brand.

The other 3 who are healthy right now are 5-6 weeks old while Small Fry is 4-5 weeks old so I only give 2 hours of heat every 5 hours of the day.

I got the chicks on Saturday Nov 17th from a local farmer. Her farm is called Bacon Seed Farms and it has a facebook page.
The crop is in between full and empty.
It may not be eating and drinking because it isn't hungry... if there is stuff inside the crop.

Checking crop size in the morning after with holding food... to make sure it is emptying correctly... would be a good idea! Slow crop CAN cause the symptoms you describe... in which case any medication will be irrelevant. And other measures would need taken. While it often indicated by birds drinking excess water... all individuals can present somewhat differently... That why it's great that there are so many different experiences being shared here!

More typical of coccidiosis would be bird standing hunched up with head pulled in...
The other 3 who are healthy right now are 5-6 weeks old while Small Fry is 4-5 weeks old so I only give 2 hours of heat every 5 hours of the day.
I would give heat 24 hours (depending on ambient temp)... they can move away if they don't need it. I don't use those 250 watt bulbs that are too often recommended. Indoors for smaller amounts of chicks I go with lower wattage bulbs (75-150)... and usually the type that only put out heat instead of light. A cold chick is a dead chick. But being colder also uses more of the chicks own energy to stay warm instead of growing. Making sure your space has enough room for those that don't need the heat as much to be able to cool off and acclimate but still be able to pop back under the heat when they need to warm up. The older chicks are probably having an easier time adjusting to the temp... one or two weeks can make a HUGE difference.

I got the chicks on Saturday Nov 17th from a local farmer. Her farm is called Bacon Seed Farms and it has a facebook page.
Were they from an incubator/brooder or from under a broody?

I MIGHT just try the constant heat... cold chicks will be loud at first but settle down exhausted and just fade.

Good keeping your eye out... generally if think you notice something with chickens... it is true and ya gotta act fast. :fl

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